why are refugees treated differently

The act allowed approximately 190,000 refugees, escapees, and expellees to arrive in the United States before the legislation . NPR's Andrew Limbong has more. NPR's Andrew Limbong has more. The Italian government has at times closed its ports to foreign boats carrying rescued migrants. Contrarily, due to racial, religious, cultural, and ethnic differences, Europeans feel less sympathy for other refugees. But we need to remember that Europeans were impressively generous to the first wave of Syrian refugees, but as the numbers increased, attitudes quickly became exclusive. Approximately 18,000 Europeans from 15 countries were given profiles and asked whom they would grant asylum; the study found a consistent bias against Muslim asylum-seekers, who were 11 percentage points less likely to be accepted than otherwise similar Christians. Corroborating this anti-Muslim bias among Europeans, another experiment in France concluded that increasing numbers of Muslims in France resulted in increased xenophobia. Unlike Ukrainians, they must apply for asylum and wait for approval before seeking jobs. Until the EU extends these benefits to nonwhite, Muslim, Middle Eastern and African refugees, the bloc will not only be violating Article 3, but also the unwritten laws of basic human decency. Many Syrians I spoke to last year in Lebanon and Jordan, where millions of Syrians have relocated, rejected registering as refugees in favor of living as migrants, stressing that they wanted to work and be self-sufficient rather than depend on aid. In addition, they pose a health threat because some refugees come from countries with comparably higher rates of certain diseases (e.g., tuberculosis, AIDS). At a time when Western states are highly concerned with maintaining influence in the Middle Eastern debacle, excluding people from their shores seems ill-advised. The U.S. has an opportunity to build off of its strong response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis. In The Telegraph, Daniel Hannan wrote an article about Ukraine that led, they seem so like us. The Dublin Convention has been divisive and especially difficult for Italy and Greece, which have struggled to accommodate migrants arriving by sea. PostedFebruary 21, 2020 In both the United States and Europe, the inevitability of multiculturalism and diversityand the resulting decay of white dominanceprompts nativism, racism, and xenophobia from the right. More so, their action was a case study in poor strategic thinking. And if you zoom way, way out when talking about refugees and displacement, countries in the Middle East, Africa and the global South have taken in more than their fair share of refugees. Whether the threat is true or imagined, immigrants might be perceived as threatening in a number of ways. Fortunately for the Ukrainians, Ukraines westward neighbors are working assiduously to register and take initial responsibility for this unprecedented flow, which is likely to add another 5 million refugees from Ukraine within a year from the Russian invasion, nearly five times as fast as the flow from Syria and North Africa. But at the same time, the Biden administration has been quietly engaged in another series of evacuation flights, this time at our southern border. "Countries that had been really negative on the refugee issue and have made it very difficult for the EU to develop coherent refugee policy over the last decade, suddenly come forward with a much . The arrival of Afghan refugees, including some whose status is not materially different from asylum-seekers, proves this. While we do not know the specific educational and skill profile of the now over 3 million Ukrainians who have fled, urban Ukrainians tend to have higher skill levels than other middle-income countries. And the results again showed support for the six threat types. The Century Foundation Please submit a letter to the editor. Landmann, H., Gaschler, R., & Rohmann, A. Several studies suggest the increase of an active work force will benefit the EUs GDP. Given the risk of deportation, many also avoid the system altogether and work informally instead. LIMBONG: Mahdis Keshavarz is a board member with the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association, which put out a statement criticizing this framing, which Keshavarz says relies on old tropes. They concluded that the six threat types explained the data better than one general threat factor or two factors (i.e. They can even enter Slovakia and Poland without papers, countries displaying potent anti-refugee sentiments during the 2015 Syrian refugee crisis. The Venezuelan crisis parallels the Zimbabwean exodus of the early 2000s. The global refugee crisis: Empirical evidence and policy implications for improving public attitudes and facilitating refugee resettlement. Racism also impacts refugee treatment by influencing media coverage. These asylum-seekers should be welcomed just like Afghans are being welcomed. RANA KHOURY: We certainly do see it play out in terms of the politics of refugee reception in the idea of whose burden should it be to take refugees who are from the global South, the Middle East, Africa, versus, you know, who is welcome and who can be brought in here. Here, Laitin discusses how the experience of Ukrainian refugees compares to those fleeing other conflicts and difficulties, such as those escaping civil war in Syria and economic hardship in North Africa. Reviewed by Ekua Hagan. Even though refugees are always victims of conflict, the civil war in Syria is more difficult to fit into this binary of right versus wrong, which may affect the EUs perceived political expediency of aiding Syrian refugees. How do you anticipate Ukrainians experience will unfold compared to that of asylees from Syria or North Africa? | king5.com. Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic refused to accept asylum seekers the EU attempted to relocate from Italy and Germany. The EUs response to the refugee crisis also shapes its posture towards Russia and reignites Cold War concerns about Russian aggression, for Eastern Europeans acknowledge the potential for Putin to invade their nations as well. Free visas to the EU. Its an undertaking thats demonstrated the ability of the U.S. government to bring tens of thousands of refugees to safety in America and marshal local resources to help them resettle in their new home. LIMBONG: The Nigerian statehouse issued a statement today denouncing reports of Nigerians being denied entry to the Polish border. In addition, we should remember foreigners culture will change, particularly with intergroup contactjust as cultures of European immigrants to America have changed, as history shows. Both direct and indirect threats were related to unfavorable attitudes toward refugees, so there may be a bidirectional relationship between peoples attitudes and their perception of threat: The perception of threat gives rise to negative attitudes toward outsiders, and negative attitudes also cause greater threat perception. The reality, however, is that "both people and states do treat different groups of refugees in different ways, according to where they come from; according to their own perceptions of those people . This has meant that asylum-seekers have been expelled in violation of the United Nations 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, which prevents countries from returning people to places where they face threats to their lives or freedom without providing them the opportunity to apply for asylum. A recent report by Human Rights First documented at least 6,356 reports of kidnappings and attacks on asylum-seekers and migrants after they were turned away from the U.S. under Title 42. Six threat types emerged from the analysis of the responses:1. CHARLIE D'AGATA: You know, this is a relatively civilized, relatively European - I have to choose those words carefully, too - city where you wouldn't expect that LIMBONG: The phrasing rankled enough people that he issued a clarifying apology a day later. MAHDIS KESHAVARZ: I always kind of think this imagery of, like, this pearl clutch of being just aghast that something can happen in your backyard, where things are happening in other people's backyards all the time. That convention requires the country that first registered an asylum seeker to administer the application and provide housing. In late August, my colleagues from Jesuit Refugee Service Mexico traveled to the Mexican border with Guatemala to accompany those expelled from the U.S. on one of these flights. 2016. In fixating on distinguishing the two, politicians tend to miss the benefits that integrating both refugees and migrants into the labor market could have on the national economy. Tens of thousands of people have already crossed into. show that asylum centers tend to isolate residents. Andrew Limbong, NPR News. Refugees are not citizens of the country of asylum and therefore have specific protection needs. While the first three threats may be considered direct threats, the other three are extended threats. As anthropologist Miriam Ticktin has documented, some even infect themselves with deadly diseases to gain protection as HIV-positive patients and thereby gain residence. By giving all asylum seekers temporary work permits and cracking down on labor discrimination, member states with surplus capacity could gain a much-needed workforce and secure long-term influence in the region. In the first of these investigations, they used a sample of 55 male and 121 female psychology students (average age of 32 years). The decision that wealthy northern European countries such as Denmark and the UK made last fall, when they dismissed the EUs call for sharing the responsibility by refusing to receive any of the 120,000 asylum seekers relocated from the south, revealed their humanitarian priorities. Furthermore, immigrants pose an identity threat, especially if they have a different cultural identity, religious identity, and value system than members of the host community. Perceptions of threat, according to previous research, are one of the most important predictors of attitudes and prejudice toward immigrants and other outgroups(p. 82).2. Migrants, on the other hand, live without legal protection and can be deported at any time. The United Nations refugee agency has expressed concern over these expulsion flights, noting that those impacted are being sent back to the very dangers they have fled in their countries of origin. Indeed, these asylum-seekers should instead be welcomed just like Afghans are being welcomed all refugees deserve protection, not just our allies. Therefore, the latter must contend with heightened xenophobia, and numerous studies evidence discrimination against Muslim asylum seekers. That's why we want you to know that, when you visit our website, we use technologies like cookies to collect anonymized data so that we can better understand and serve our audience. With blanket news coverage of the dire situation in Ukraine, Europeans are observing the situation of Ukrainians through this humanitarian lens and thus express greater support for them. Extensive efforts to support Ukrainian refugees are effectively progressive, yet they send a painfully clear message to non-Ukrainian refugees excluded from benefits: that they are less deserving of aid and acceptance. After all, from . Refugee Children in U.S. Schools: A Toolkit for Teachers and School Personnel (Grant No. But many European leaders nonetheless feel they are under pressure to minimize the number of asylum seekers within their own country. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR. Lest we forget, barrel bombs are not the only threat to life. 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Shooting, detaining, torturing, and executing protestors, Assad forcefully crushed pro-democracy protests during the Arab Spring. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health Services. 90 RB 0022). subscribe to Stanford Report. Although Article 3 of the 1951 Refugee Convention states that nations shall apply the provisions of this Convention to refugees without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin, white, Christian, Ukrainian refugees receive preferential treatment in the EU. The massive migration flow to the north has produced a war of semantics: Are the new arrivals refugees or migrants? To answer this question, they conducted a second study using a sample of 289 female and 118 male students (average age of 32 years). Furthermore, to many white and Christian Europeans, an influx of Middle Eastern and African Muslim refugees threatens power dynamics rooted in racial and religious hegemony, while incoming Ukrainians primarily strengthen them. As of March 4, Canada has only resettled 8,580 of . [vi] Immigration policies are allegedly based on principles like "the reunification of families, admitting immigrants with skills that are valuable to the U.S. economy, protecting refugees, and promoting diversity." labor integration of both asylum seekers and refugees will generate long-term economic gains, specify that asylum seekers can only be employed, to be recognized by the national labor system, many asylum seekers experience discrimination, perpetrators behind the Paris attacks had exploited the asylum system, 40 percent of Germans calling for her resignation this year in response to her open-border policy, argued in a policy brief for The Century Foundation, accepted 69,900 refugees including a mere 2,192 Syrians last year. Compared to college students in previous samples, these participants reported perceiving even stronger threats and experiencing more hostility toward refugees. Reportedly, some of the perpetrators behind the Paris attacks had exploited the asylum system to enter Europe, giving migration skeptics ample opportunity to call for border closures. Furthermore, to many white and Christian Europeans, an influx of Middle Eastern and African Muslim refugees threatens power dynamics rooted in racial and religious hegemony, while incoming Ukrainians primarily strengthen them. Why don't we treat all refugees as though they were Ukrainian? That flow increased the worlds refugee population by about 9 million over the next decade, according to data from UNHRC, the United Nations Refugee Agency. I need ammunition, not a ride from the war-torn streets of Kyiv, Zelensky has become a vocal, defiant defender of democracy and civil liberties, while Putin has trampled Russians freedoms, invaded a sovereign nation, and authorized countless war crimes in Ukraine. The U.S. government has committed to resettle tens of thousands of Afghan and Ukrainian refugees. How to Handle People Who Are Eternally Evasive, Mass Shooters and the Myth That Evil Is Obvious, Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters, No Dr. Spock for Black Parents: Lessons From Tyre Nichols, Research Shows Why Attractive People Are More Narcissistic. Broadly, what does your research reveal about the publics attitude toward refugees? A few European politicians have also stressed that Ukrainian refugees are qualitatively superior by virtue of their race and religion to those from countries in Latin America, Asia, Africa and. For example in Germany and Sweden, so-called priority reviews specify that asylum seekers can only be employed if there are no suitable national or EU-citizens available for the job.

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