how did tobey maguire know ned's grandma

talk to Tom Holland's Peter Parker on the rooftop and offer condolences. We get it. It was a big relief as Ned is one of the purest characters in the MCU. (I'm just hoping they tell us love is stronger than magic. If you havent seen the movie, stop reading now. Spider-Man: No Way Home is here. I have so many questions. It's possible she or Aunt May could've shown him the ropes. Please refresh the page and try again. The biggest is that the scene doesn't make sense. During the Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality miniseries, Ned steals a book of magic from Doctor Strange. Or maybe you were reduced to a puddle of tears during Aunt May's final moments at the hands of the Green Goblin. Some time later, Hollands Peter visits MJ and Ned at the coffee shop MJ works at. Who owns Avengers Tower? Thats the good news! You can see the license plate when Doc Ock enters Peter's universe and begins fighting him, assuming he's the same Spidey from his universe. The main story of the movie will be MCU Spider-Man dealing with the multiverse collapsing around him. Since the symbiote is in Mexico and would likely need to latch onto someone there, I could see Flash winding up there on vacation with his parents and bringing it home to NYC. I mean, Lou Diamond Phillips is probably best known for playing Ritchie Valens in the 1987 biopic "La Bamba" or Jaime Escalante's gangster student in "Stand and Deliver." New York, Peter has a charging station for his Iron Spider suit. As Ned explains to Doctor Strange, his grandma always thought he was magic, and sometimes his hands tingle. In "Homecoming," Peter removed a tracking chip from the inside lining of his suit while on a trip to DC. But if youre ready to dig into those spoilers, then get Ned-y for some deep dive comics fun! I think "NWH" was ambitious in that it simultaneously wrapped up loose ends, while also leaving room to pave the way for future Marvel projects. But on a more personal note, Jacob Batalon in "Spider-Man: No Way Home" is the most seen I've ever felt in a movie theater. Now that Kingpin has been revealed on "Hawkeye," it feels like we're due to see the two share the screen again. 10. That's when Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire's Spider-Men enter the fray. I think it shows how distanced Peter is from MJ and Ned because of the spell. Instead, he asks for her help in finding out more about the multiverse and it isnt long before things get really weird. He's seen serving Eddie Brock at a bar in Mexico and filling in the "Venom" character on notable things that have happened in this universe. There's also a license plate in the bridge scene that reads 63A5M-3, which seems to reference the 1963 "Amazing Spider-Man" comic book issue No. If we don't learn who bought the tower in the "Hawkeye" finale, I'm rioting. In both movies, the line was spoken when the public found out that Peter, a teen, is Spider-Man. Ned is a loyal friend that has been by Peter's side since practically the beginning. The movie had the third-biggest worldwide opening of all time, second-biggest domestic debut of all time and the biggest December opening of all time; all this amidst a pandemic. During a second detention scene, she taunted Peter by holding up a sketch of him looking sad. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Given Marvel Studios President Kevin Feiges comments that suggest well see more of Murdock down the line (per CinemaBlend (opens in new tab)), thats a very distinct possibility. In "NWH," Zendaya's character works at a donut shop and wears a seafoam green uniform with pink detailing over a white long-sleeve shirt. Peter's a regular customer at the deli, which boasts the "best sandwiches in Queens." Ned literally remarks its just some random guy as soon as he shows up. The inclusion of the ad in "NWH," and the fact that the movie concludes around Christmastime in NYC, confirms that the film takes place during a similar time frame as "Hawkeye.". During the news broadcast, a headline appears on the bottom of the screen that reads, "Political turmoil continues in New Asgard as Z" The scene cuts off before fans can get further details. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Well, this is where it gets really interesting. Singh: I'll admit I was a bit disappointed by how short the scene was with Matt Murdock, especially because Holland seemed to be alluding to the lawyer during an October interview with Empire magazine. He earned some of her gratitude, but not her trust, after ridding the ceiling corner of that web. The Marvel film scored $260 million domestically, $7 million more than what was initially reported. Plus, in an interview with, Tom Holland claimed to know who bought the tower. Well then that is a bonus, is it not? In "NWH," Holland's version of Peter becomes uncharacteristically dark when his fight with Green Goblin leads to the death of his Aunt May. Taylor-Johnson signed a multi-picture deal, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Peters best bud, Ned Leeds (Jacob Batalon). Ned and Peter rebuilt it together later in the movie. The second, meanwhile, could lead to the MCUs iteration of Eddie Brock being bonded with the symbiote and give us an MCU version of Venom, who might end up fighting Spider-Man. The most notable instance of Ned's Sling Ring proficiency coming in handy is when he and MJ want to find their Peter. Thank you for signing up to CinemaBlend. Maguire and Garfields Spider-Men, and their respective villains, are sent back to their universes, and Hollands Spider-Man swings away from the scene as Stranges spell takes effect. Remember the human. Even before "NWH" was released and Garfield's return was officially confirmed, fans theorized that, based on the trailer, MJ would be saved by Garfield's character. ), Singh: Maybe she thinks Spider-Man gave it to her? The animated 2018 movie "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" centered on Miles, voiced by Shameik Moore. However, you can see a glimpse of an Oscorp skyscraper (with the logo from Garfield's Spidey movies) in a trailer for the upcoming Marvel/Sony movie "Morbius. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Regardless of which screen you're seeing it on, this kind of representation is so important. It's possible she or Aunt May could've shown him the ropes. One of the best surprises of the film was seeing Charlie Cox reprise his role as Matt Murdock three years after his "Daredevil" show was canceled on Netflix. And if he can be, so can we. Back home, it is his screw-up brother who looks after the family. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. There's a sort of responsibility that you carry because again, you're sort of being the person for everyone who's not seen and heard and understood. In the 2007 movie, Harry, who followed in the footsteps of his father and became the new Goblin, teamed up with Spider-Man in his battle against Eddie Brock/Venom. Pat Kiernan is a real-life news anchor who has appeared as himself in Marvel films like "The Avengers," "Iron Man," Netflix's "Daredevil" show, and even Andrew Garfield's "The Amazing Spider-Man.". Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. One of the musical numbers is inspired by the 2012 Battle of New York and shows actors pretending to be the Avengers as they dance and sing on stage. How Spider-Man: No Way Home Lets Filipino Americans Shine. But in the comics, it's also the nickname that MJ gives Peter. The online reactions to this aspect of the scene are especially emotional. Veteran Filipino performers like Ernie Reyes Jr., Phoebe Cates, Tia Carrere, and Dante Basco held it down for so many years to pave the way for the next generation. In a deleted scene from "FFH" that appears on the home release as part of a short film called "Peter's To-Do List," Peter goes to Delmar's, which has now been rebuilt, and buys a travel adapter and duel headphone adapter for his trip to Europe. In a moment that will make all Spider-Man fans clap and cheer, Andrew Garfields webslinger walks through the portal that Ned created. So yes, you could argue that Ned actually saved the day and the world with his newly found magic powers. Of all the mementos that Peter possibly could have put on his table to remind him of Ned, he chose that? As MJ and Ned chill at his grandmas house waiting for Peter, they begin to worry. In "NWH," Peter moves into his own place after Doctor Strange casts a spell to make the world forget who he is. Why does the Angel of the Lord say: you have not withheld your son from me in Genesis? "NWH" doesn't address what Liz has been up to since "Homecoming," but it looks like the magazine cover has a quote from the character saying, "He's a liar," referring to Peter. It only takes a minute to sign up. Singh: I definitely think that this could be a case of not having enough storytelling space to expand more on whatever's going on with Flash. Moments later, Otto sinks into the river, along with the tridium. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Things everyones grandmother can appreciate in a guest. Lets address the elephant in the room first. Singh: If the studios were able to get three Spideys and five villains in the same film, nothing is impossible. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Tom Holland as Spider-Man in "Spider-Man: No Way Home." In case that toy looks familiar it's because fans previously saw it in "Homecoming" during Ned's first MCU scene. It seems like a way to tell the audience that even though his best friends no longer remember them, he still cares about them. So for years, I wished for an Asian Spider-Hero. Hes sitting at a bar drunk, no less and is trying to understand what the barman (Ted Lassos Cristo Fernandez) is telling him about Iron Man, Hulk, Thanos and Spider-Man. Maguires Spider-Man stops him, but is stabbed by Green Goblin (don't worry, though, Maguire's Spider-Man survives). They apparently learned about it via TV news coverage of the incident. Its another delightful scene thats purely fan service and, when Peter asks Murdock how he was able to catch the brick, Murdock simply replies Im a very good lawyer. As Ned explains to Doctor Strange, his grandma always thought he was magic, and sometimes his hands tingle. Since then, fans, as well as Holland,have been rallying even more to see a live-action version of Miles in the MCU. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. I think it's more likely we'll see Murdock appear on another Disney+ show first. Then, Peter made a comment about how he thought her dad liked him, and MJ said that he probably wouldn't anymore (presumably because Peter's now been accused of murder). But if Eddie/Venom were featured more prominently, the movie could have run the risk of becoming overstuffed. Hes only in it for one scene, about 10 minutes in, but its another wonderful inclusion nonetheless. Considering that Oscorp was a key part of the past Spidey franchises, it's interesting that Holland's universe doesn't include it. Disney Plus show telling his counterpart that things just got out of hand. Did they just drop that subplot or is that something that may be revisited in a fourth "Spider-Man" movie? Plus, he's proud enough of his Filipino heritage that he's not embarrassed by his Lola speaking Tagalog in front of company and having to translate for her. Is Ned turning evil? While Stephen dismisses Ned at first, the young Brothers: Directed by Jim Sheridan. What am I missing? ", Peter started using the suit, which was created by Tony Stark, in "Avengers: Infinity War.". It was weird but I suspect a cut scene with Tobey without showing his face helping grandma in some fashion. He acknowledged her, but there was no implication they'd ever met. While sitting at the dining room table, Ned plays around with Strange's sling ring, which was taken from the former Sorcerer Supreme during his battle in the Mirror Dimension with Spider-Man. In Raimi's "Spider-Man 2," Peter left his suit on top of a trash can in an alley after deciding that he wanted a life of his own and would abandon his duty as a neighborhood superhero. For real, Ned helped save the multiverse. This is a callback to a conversation the two characters had in "Spider-Man 2. While Stephen dismisses Ned at first, the young hero soon shows that hes actually innately powerful. Its all done in amusing fashion, with Venom constantly butting in with snide comments and humorous suggestions. 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QUANTUMANIAs Katy OBrian on Jentorra, Marvel Variants, and Why the Quantum Realm Smells, QUAUNTUMANIAs William Jackson Harper on Quaz and Geeking Out Over His Co-Stars, QUANTUMANIA Writer Jeff Loveness on Kang, M.O.D.O.K., and a Lost Werner Herzog Role. He's the guy in the chair, but he's also dating a pretty classmate on a trip through Europe. As Spider-Man and Aunt May try to stop the films multiple villains from escaping and wreaking havoc on New York, Aunt May is stabbed by Green Goblins glider. A sign taped on the wall behind it says, While it didnt last long, Ned was for a time part of the world of the Sorcerers Supreme, which were seeing play out on screen. As youll remember from earlier in the film, villains from other universes are trying to enter the MCU as after Stranges botched spell made them aware that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. After a brief chat following that revelation, we also get a glimpse of Murdocks Daredevil powers. He begged Peter not to hurt him, but at the same time, he secretly pressed a button that sent his glider directly toward the web-slinger, with the blades protruding. You may be in awe of the returning stars from past films. The camera intentionally lingers on two shots: one showing several knives on the wall and another of the sewing machine and fabric. There were a few but I feel like this was meant to be something and I can't figure it out, Well I haven't seen the movie yet, but what you described, sounds like a plot hole. Acuna: I think some people are going to watch this scene and immediately assume it spells doom for Peter's best friend Ned. Because of their sharp suits and killer dance moves, they would attract many of the white women who came with the white studio executives. It's almost as if they've been hinting at Ned's downfall from the start of this franchise. The school's mascot is the tiger. But I'm going to give our guy the benefit of the doubt. I'm hoping we get some better closure there. So while Ned didnt become Hobgoblin in the MCU, his new powers feel reminiscent of the comics where Ned Leeds held the mantle. Doctor Strange does a similar thing on the animated Marvel series "What If?" "I fought an alien made out of black goo once," Maguire says, prompting Holland's character to talk about fighting an alien in space. But not by killing them: instead, they decide to cure them of their villainous ways by stripping their powers. lmao. But one of the most delightful twists concerned Peters best bud, Ned Leeds (Jacob Batalon). Singh: Venom needs to show some self-control, honestly. Instead, we received a throwaway gag with the duo. Garfield spoke pretty candidly about his feelings on his films with The Guardian in November and how he felt they were guided by money rather than a character-driven story with heart. Olivia Singh. They also point at each other while in their suits at the Statue of Liberty. (Image credit: Sony Pictures/Marvel Studios), Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, multidimensional creature known as Gargantos in New York, Google has a new breakthrough to show why Android is better than iOS devices, The Galaxy S23 isn't the coolest iPhone 15 competitor we could see this year, Mortal Kombat 12 gets announced in the worst way possible, Microsoft Defender will soon be a lot better at stopping corporate cyberattacks, Magic Eraser, the Google Pixel's best trick, is coming to your iPhone and Galaxy, Varning! After Hollands Parker is installed as public enemy number one for supposedly killing Mysterio in Spider-Man: Far From Home, hes arrested and questioned by the authorities. So, if Strange makes everyone forget hes Spidey, itll stop other villains from trying to cross over into the MCU. And it does sort of. The post Lets Talk About Ned in SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME appeared first on Nerdist. Thats some powerful magic, especially without any training. She's MJ. Since then, we haven't seen the character again, though comic-book fans know that Scorpion is part of the Sinister Six a legion of Spider-Man villains. After Ned had that little heart-to-heart with Maguire's Peter and learned that his best friend, Harry, became a villain and died, Ned vowed to never become a supervillain. After hearing the other Spider-Men tales about battling aliens (referring to Thanos and Venom), Garfield's self-deprecating character mentions that he fought a Russian guy in a Rhino suit. I always wanted brothers. How do we know this? As MJ and Ned chill at his grandmas house waiting for Peter, they begin to worry. After landing safely on the ground, Garfield's Peter and MJ both ask each other if they're OK, and the look on Garfield's face, knowing that he saved her, is incredibly heartwarming. Yeah he just says hello and she smiles they dont know each other. Good thing Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige already hinted at Cox's involvement in the MCU, telling CinemaBlend: "If you were to see Daredevil in upcoming things, Charlie Cox, yes, would be the actor playing Daredevil. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Spider-Man: No Way Home has finally swung into theaters and the latest MCU movie is another home run for Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter in 2017, Meyer confirmed that she and Maguire were on good terms. ", In the 2004 film, when Peter and Otto meet for the first time, the scientist says that his friend Dr. Connors described the youngster as "brilliant" but also "lazy. ", In response, Peter tells Otto: "I'm trying to do better. Okay, we need to talk about the best scene in Spider-Man: No Way Home. But, surprisingly, a small piece of Brocks alien symbiote aka Venom is left behind on the bar as Brock disappears. Singh: This feels like one of those mysteries that will send me down a rabbit hole of questioning everything that took place in those Spidey movies. But I can't help but feel like that foreshadowed his eventual turn to the Dark side. YA genre tribute. It seemed like Sony and Marvel Studios were building up to something more. Weve written about his history as the villain known as the Hobgoblin. How do we know this? After that, Neds Gma also winked @ Toby-Peter like she knew him, and TP responded Perhaps the funniest part is when Ned talks to Tobey Maguire's Peter. The 43-year-old father of two has remained busy since his career-defining role in the early 2000s, but being a good parent In episode two of "Hawkeye," Clint says Avengers Tower was sold a few years ago, but we haven't learned anything since then. Forgive the "Star Wars" pun, but Ned's entry in "Homecoming" was with him holding an Emperor Palpatine Lego asking Peter to join him in building the Death Star. During their aforementioned goodbye, hed promised that hed come and find them to explain everything. Another theory is that Ned might be some kind of sorcerer since there are many nods to that in "NWH.". 3, which is the debut of Doc Ock. "Venom 3?" In "NWH," Peter puts the toy on a table along with a disposable cup that MJ served his coffee in. Putting the plan into action, the Spider-Men overpower and cure the three villains, showing that teamwork really does make the dream work. WebHis best friend's grandma had a sewing machine. During the fight, Venom grabbed Harry's glider and leaped toward Spidey, intending to stab him. Aside from "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend," you have a tons of projects featuring and even starring Filipinos like Dave Bautista, Hailee Steinfeld, Jo Koy, Darren Criss, Olivia Rodrigo, Manny Jacinto, Eugene Cordero, and Vanessa Hudgens. The upcoming "Thor" movie will reportedly star Russell Crowe as Zeus, so it's possible that the headline was teasing his character. According to No Way Home writers Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers, the initial idea, which they credit to Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, was for the villains of Sonys past Spider-Man film series to show up as a version of the Sinister Six as a tag at the end of the picture. However, after seeing how normal their lives are without him, he decides against telling them everything that went down. Shes probably just flirting with ma guy Toby. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. Well, it all comes down to the stolen Sling Ring that Peter thwipped off Strange during their Mirror World battle. Ned and MJ are shown watching TV news coverage of the incident in a scene immediately Doctor Strange's Cloak of Levitation saved Ned at one point. You know, I'm somewhat of a scientist myself.". Below, well answer the biggest questions viewers will have about Spider-Man: No Way Home.

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