background-color: #db0000; For the first time since at least 2014, every U.S. House district in California had scheduled a contested primary election following the 2022 candidate filing deadline. The race for North Carolinas open Senate seat is leaning toward Representative Ted Budd, a Republican, according to our estimates. Click the tabs below to view information about voter composition, past elections, and demographics in both the district and the state. top: -5px; } } width: 100%; } Maggie Astor display: inline; These same counties favored Biden over Trump in 2020 by a margin of 8 percentage points a whopping 19-point swing. Welcome to California's 33rd Congressional District, which includes Malibu, Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Calabasas and Palos Verdes. *** Candidate either did not report any receipts or disbursements to the FEC, or Ballotpedia did not find an FEC candidate ID. Nov. 8, 2022, In Washington State, Senator Patty Murray is facing a strong Republican challenge, though she remains favored to win. } margin-bottom: -2px !important; Alicia Parlapiano border: 1px solid black !important; Source: Election results and race calls are from The Associated Press. A top-two primary took place on June 7, 2022, in California's 33rd Congressional District to determine which two candidates would run in the district's general election on November 8, 2022 . .leg-hnt-title { background-color: #6db24f; } This section contains campaign finance figures from the Federal Election Commission covering all candidate fundraising and spending in this election. In Wisconsin, Senator Ron Johnson, a Republican, is up for re-election against Lt. Gov. padding-bottom: 0px; . [5] It does not include information on fundraising before the current campaign cycle or on spending by satellite groups. Jen Kiggans, Republican, wins U.S. House seat to represent Virginias Second Congressional District. This meant that in those two presidential elections, this district's results were 12 percentage points more Democratic than the national average. text-align: center; display: block; if (chevron.hasClass('fa-chevron-down')) { Joe Biden (D) would have received 61.5% of the vote in this district and Donald Trump (R) would have received 36.2%. John Fetterman defeated the celebrity TV host Dr. Mehmet Oz, flipping Pennsylvanias Senate seat to the Democrats. if(scrollHeight > 580 ) { .results_row.winner { Each race rating indicates if one party is perceived to have an advantage in the race and, if so, the degree of advantage: Race ratings are informed by a number of factors, including polling, candidate quality, and election result history in the race's district or state.[4][5][6]. As of the filing deadline, no districts were guaranteed to either party because both Democrats and Republicans filed to run in all 52. width: 350px; margin: 5px 0 5px 0; .race_footer { } } border: 1px solid #999; margin-bottom:16px; padding: 0.5em 1em; left: 0px; $(this).next('div.vis_widget_table').slideToggle('normal'); bottom: 2px font-weight: 500; The table below shows what the vote in the 2020 presidential election would have been in this district. width: 100% display: inline-block; chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-down'); } A Democratic Party primary will take place on March 5, 2024, in Texas' 33rd Congressional District to determine which Democratic candidate will run in the district's general election on November 5, 2024 . padding-top: 5px; , Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, defeated Doug Mastriano, a Trump-backed election denier, in the race for Pennsylvanias governor. She will be one of the nations first openly lesbian governors. California presidential election results (1900-2020), The table below details demographic data in California and compares it to the broader United States as of 2019. width: 60%; , In Nevadas race for governor, Joe Lombardo, a Trump-backed sheriff, beat Gov. jQuery(item).html("Scroll for more "); padding-left: 16px; padding-left: 0; .census-table-census-item { Representative Sean Patrick Maloney has conceded defeat to Mike Lawler, a first-term Republican state assemblyman. Gov. max-width: 75px; [21], FiveThirtyEight's September 2018 elasticity score for states and congressional districts measured "how sensitive it is to changes in the national political environment." Pennsylvanias Senate race now leans Democratic, according to our estimates. Heres the state of the closest races: .leg-infobox pre { } color: #888; background-color: #f4f4f4; Albert Sun } @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { The table below shows what the vote in the 2020 presidential election would have been in this district. .race_header.democratic { if (typeof VoterInfobyState_Toggle === 'undefined') { font-size: 80%; width: 350px; Ron DeSantis over Democratic opponent Charlie Crist by a margin of 11 percentage points. flex: 0 0 150px; Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican, is facing a strong challenge from the Trump-endorsed Kelly Tshibaka. } These are only estimates, and they may not be informed by reports from election officials. background-color: grey; .results_row td:first-child { } } else { text-align: center The outcome of this race affected the partisan balance of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 118th Congress. .race_header.democratic { .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { padding-bottom: 5px; Albert Sun } display: inline-block; background-color: #ccf; position: relative; })(); This section contains campaign finance figures from the Federal Election Commission covering all candidate fundraising and spending in this election. Nov. 10, 2022, Support for the abortion proposal was stronger than support for reelected Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, in 76 of the states 83 counties. Read more display: block; height: 22px; font-size: 90%; font-size: 80%; .leg-infobox-section-title { The following analysis covers all U.S. House districts up for election in California in 2022. .outer_percentage { } Election results . font-weight: 300; column-rule: 1px solid #aaa; display: inline-block; Nov. 8, 2022, Republicans must win just 19 competitive seats to retake majority control from the Democrats. , Matt Cartwright, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Pennsylvanias Eighth Congressional District. } else { padding:7px 8px 8px; } .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { These nine must include three Democrats, three Republicans, and three belonging to neither party. .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { Nov. 9, 2022, J.D. Source: Federal Elections Commission, "Campaign finance data," 2022. align-items:center; } height: 100%; text-align: left !important; margin: 3px 0; } .votebox_legend { } font-weight: 200; top: -1px; padding-left: 75px; Nunes' retirement triggered a special election for June 7. padding: 2px 0; .non_result_row { Five districts were left open, meaning no incumbent filed to run there. Nine candidates filed to run in the 30th District, more than any other. , Brad Raffensperger, Republican, is re-elected as Georgias secretary of state. All U.S. House districts, including the 33rd Congressional District of California, held elections in 2022. } margin-bottom: .75em; , Angie Craig, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Minnesotas Second Congressional District. position: relative; text-align: center; padding:7px 8px 8px; .leg-hnt-responsive-columns { } margin-bottom: 4px; position: absolute; } .infobox.infobox-container { line-height: 1.5em; Colorados Third District is leaning toward Lauren Boebert, an ardent supporter of Donald Trump, according to our estimates. position: relative; } For more information about the primaries in this election, click on the links below: padding: 2px 0; margin: 0 5px; Five districts were left open, meaning no incumbent filed to run there. Jocelyn Benson, the Democratic secretary of state who has confronted repeated harassment from far-right election deniers, won re-election to her post in Michigan. .leg-hnt-flex-column { Representative Tom Malinowski, a second-term incumbent, conceded his race for re-election to his Republican opponent, Tom Kean Jr. margin: 3px 0; , Dina Titus, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Nevadas First Congressional District. .results_text { margin-bottom: .75em; Hes outperforming Biden across the state and is currently up 8 points in counties that were the closest in 2020. background-color: #db0000; Representative for California's 33rd congressional district Since Jan 3, 2023 (next election in 2024) Democrat @RepPeteAguilar Official Website 202-225-3201 View Legislative Profile & Get Alerts Check the map to make sure we've located your address accurately. position: absolute; As of 2019, California was one of three states to use a top-two primary system. letter-spacing: .04em; To retain control of the House, Democrats must win 46 of these seats (after accounting for the races the parties are expected to win most easily). margin: 8px auto; padding: 5px; column-rule: 1px solid #aaa; function widget_load_check_jquery() { .leg-hnt-toggle-text { } } [15], The California Citizens Redistricting Commission voted 14-0 in favor of a new congressional district map on December 20, 2021, and delivered those maps to the secretary of state on December 27, 2021. } Ron DeSantis, a hard-right conservative, is facing Representative Charlie Crist, a former Republican governor who switched parties. Nov. 8, 2022, Six of the eight most competitive Senate races are in states that did not call a winner in the presidential race until after election night: Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. } She defeated Kermit Booker (P&F) in the general election. let scrollHeight = jQuery('.results_table_container').get(index).scrollHeight; } A top-two primary took place on June 7, 2022, in California's 33rd Congressional District to determine which two candidates would run in the district's general election on November 8, 2022. margin-top: 16px; .percentage_number { display: inline-block; width: 100%; .leg-hnt-title { Nov. 10, 2022, In Texas, majority-Hispanic counties also swung to the right, but to a much lesser degree than in Florida. .results_table_container { width: 90%; } Stacey Abrams has conceded to Brian Kemp, the Republican governor of Georgia. } padding-bottom: 3px; box-sizing: border-box; Seventeen years of Democratic trifectasNo Republican trifectas .race_footer { } position: relative; Voters in these counties overall continued to support the Democratic candidate for governor, Beto ORourke. VoterInfobyState_Timeout_dom = setTimeout(widget_load_check_dom, 500); width: 50%; The Associated Press also provides estimates for the share of votes reported, which are shown for races for which The Times does not publish its own estimates. The primary was scheduled for June 7, 2022. Virginias Seventh District is one of three races in the state that could offer an early sign of whether the Democrats can retain control of the House. Arizonas closely watched races for Senate and governor remained too close to call in the state, where 400,000 ballots in Maricopa County await counting. font-weight: bold; [12], 1994 } } Heres how it works Federal and state primary competitiveness, Ballotpedia's Election Analysis Hub, 2022, California's 33rd Congressional District election, 2022, Redistricting in California after the 2020 census, Primary election competitiveness in state and federal government, 2022, The Cook Political Report's Partisan Voter Index, Presidential election in California, 2020, United States House elections in California, 2022 (June 7 top-two primaries), United States House Democratic Party primaries, 2022, United States House Republican Party primaries, 2022, United States House of Representatives elections, 2022, Ballot access for major and minor party candidates, Congressional incumbents not running for re-election, Cooperative of American Physicians IE Committee, Ken Carbullido, Vice President of Election Product and Technology Strategy,,_2022_(June_7_top-two_primary)&oldid=8986048, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function, Top-two primary elections, U.S. House, 2022, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections, **Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. } } .inner_percentage.Republican { font-size: 20px; Information below was calculated on April 7, 2022, and may differ from information shown in the table above due to candidate replacements and withdrawals after that time. .inner_percentage { The polls are now closed in Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, New York, Wisconsin and several other states. participation so voters can learn more about all the candidates on their ballots. padding-bottom: 8px; She defeated John Leonard (R) and Howard Johnson (L) in the general election. padding-left: 0.25em; } } } background-color: #f0a236; event.srcElement.innerText = '[hide]'; Established in 2008 by ballot initiative, the commission comprises 14 members: five Democrats, five Republicans, and four belonging to neither party. document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content63ff8177bf702').classList.add('leg-hnt-hide'); . column-rule: 1px solid #aaa; background-color: #ccc; display: block; letter-spacing: .04em; .race_header.libertarian { }); Communications: Alison Graves Carley Allensworth Abigail Campbell Sarah Groat Caitlin Vanden Boom text-align: center !important; } Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Nov. 9, 2022, Majority-Hispanic counties in Florida voted to reelect Gov. A panel of state auditors selects the pool of nominees from which the commissioners are appointed. Your guide to the midterm results, from Times reporters, Democrats held onto or gained trifectas in a number of states and fended off Republican supermajorities in others. } font-style: italic; width: 100% !important; margin-top: 5px; , Emilia Sykes, Democrat, wins U.S. House seat to represent Ohios 13th Congressional District. } .election_results_text { Polls just closed in 19 states and Washington, D.C. text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; Lazaro Gamio VoterInfobyState_Timeout_jquery = setTimeout(widget_load_check_jquery, 500); padding-bottom: 0px; .leg-hnt-border-top { } , Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, a 2020 election denier, defeated Lt. Gov. .race_header { Scroll left and right on the table below to view more years. } background-color: #ccc; This figure increased partly due to a larger number of candidates but also because the number of congressional districts in California decreased by one following the 2020 census. padding-bottom: 7px; } margin-top: 16px; } District 30 incumbent Henry Waxman won election in the district. On November 6, 1990, David Dreier won re-election to the United States House. .leg-hnt-flex-item { display: none; The Associated Press has not yet called the race. display: inline; [6] Click here to view the reporting schedule for candidates for U.S. Congress in 2022. margin-top: 0px; font-weight: normal !important; What was the absentee/mail-in ballot request deadline? Incumbent Pete Aguilar and John Mark Porter advanced from the primary for U.S. House California District 33. function defer() { max-width: 600px; Incumbent Henry Waxman did not seek re-election in 2014. height: 22px; , Senator Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada won a second term, beating Adam Laxalt, a Trump acolyte, and dealing a blow to Republicans. .results_row { @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { }); [14], 1990 vertical-align: top; .results_table_container { font-weight: 500; display: inline-block; text-align: center; } .votebox-results-cell--number { Nov. 8, 2022, The shift to the right has been dramatic among counties in Florida reporting nearly all their votes. if(scrollHeight > 580 ) { top: 0px; } if (window.jQuery) { .leg-hnt-district-container { } else { document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content63ff8177bf702').classList.remove('leg-hnt-hide'); padding: 2px; .votebox { Elections 2022 width: 100%; padding: 2px 0; font-weight: 300; margin-top: 16px; The latest in California Dec. 27, 2021 On Dec. 26, California's independent citizen redistricting commission unanimously voted to certify the state's new congressional map. The general election was on November 8, 2022. width: 100%; } After the 2010 Census, each member represented 702,904 residents. padding: 2px 0; if (document.readyState === 'complete') { } Office Locations The staff of the vacant congressional office is available to assist you at the following locations: Washington, DC Office of the Thirty-Seventh Congressional District of California 2021 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-7084 District Office in California Los Angeles 4929 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 650 background-color: #6db24f; }; The filing deadline was March 11, 2022. .leg-hnt-hide { .votebox-covid-disclaimer { display: flex; margin-bottom: 25px; The table below details filing requirements for U.S. House candidates in California in the 2022 election cycle. The tables below highlight the partisan composition of the California State Legislature as of November 2022. Nov. 10, 2022, More than 200,000 Georgia voters cast ballots for Brian Kemp, Republican candidate for governor, but did not vote for Herschel Walker in the Senate race. font-weight: 300; } } } Overall, the map. .image-candidate-thumbnail { font-size: 90%; } font-size: larger; display: block; } font-weight: 100; setTimeout(function() { defer() }, 500); .race_header.libertarian { .votebox_bp_logo { margin-bottom:16px; .inner_percentage.Democratic { height: 100%; } .inner_percentage.Green { Todays voting will decide the balance of power in Congress. } position: absolute; The primary was scheduled for June 7, 2022. display: flex; .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { } With state senator zach nunn's g.o.p. Nov. 14, 2022, Three Republican House candidates who have supported QAnon underperformed compared with Trump, despite most House Republicans outperforming the former president. The results have been certified. Ballotpedia provides race ratings from three outlets: The Cook Political Report, Inside Elections, and Sabato's Crystal Ball. background-color: grey; The majority and minority leaders of both chambers of the state legislature may each remove two members from each of the aforementioned groups. } top: 2px; } else { Maggie Astor Source. float: right; Montana voters rejected a proposal that would have required medical interventions to save those that the state defines as born alive infants. , David Schweikert, Republican, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Arizonas First Congressional District. defer(); Incumbent Ted Lieu defeated James P. Bradley in the general election for U.S. House California District 33 on November 3, 2020. width: 100% } color: #6db24f; Nov. 9, 2022, Cortez Masto is behind in Nevada at the moment, but there are a lot of votes left in Clark and Washoe, counties home to the state's largest cities. } .leg-hnt-leadership > div { document.getElementById('leg-hnt-toggle63ff817b545a2').addEventListener('click', event => { border-top: 1px solid #aaa; Districts must also "encourage compactness." } display: inline-block;
   .placeholder {} Devin Nunes (R)resigned early. The results have been certified. . The 33rd Congressional District of California held an election for the U.S. House of Representatives on November 4, 2014. } Read more about race and ethnicity in the census. 	margin-top: 1em; 	letter-spacing: 0.03em; chevron = $(this).find('i.fa-pull-right'); } else {  } Dont expect quick results in either race; officials in Alaska wont finish counting absentee ballots for about two weeks. For additional information on candidate ballot access requirements in California, click here. All U.S. House districts, including the 3rd Congressional District of California, held elections in 2022. 	font-style: italic; .inner_percentage.Green { } !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in["datawrapper-height"])for(var r=0;r "); 	font-size: 12px; } 	top: -1px; .inner_percentage.Democratic { Forty-seven incumbents filed for re-election, all of whom were set to face primary challengers as of the candidate filing deadline, another first since at least 2014.        font-size: 70%; On November 3, 1992, Lucille Roybal-Allard won election to the United States House. background: #f5f5f5; .race_header { 	background-color: #003388; 		font-weight: bold; .inner_percentage.Libertarian { 	max-width: 75px; 	}. 		width: 100%; These maps show the leading candidates margins in the reported vote and estimates for which candidate leads in the remaining votes that we expect from each county. justify-content: center;    } 			max-height: 580px; .votebox-covid-disclaimer { The Associated Press has not yet called the race. In states that do not use a top-two system, all parties are usually able to put forward a candidate for the general election if they choose to.[1][2][3][4].  Else { Maggie Astor Source live results and our forecast from Georgia as the final Senate to..Leg-Infobox-Block {, Gov polls are now closed in Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, New York, and! The Democrats, 1990, David Schweikert, Republican, is up for re-election Lt.. Walker, is up for re-election against Lt. Gov california 33rd congressional district candidates the Cook Political Report, Inside,... Participation so voters can learn more about all the candidates on their ballots DeSantis, Republican., Inside elections, and demographics in both the District and the state Constitution, 1990, David Dreier re-election... Only estimates, and they may not be informed by reports from election officials represent Arizonas Congressional., David Dreier won re-election to the Democrats scheduled for June 7, 2022 }. Or on spending by satellite groups defeated the celebrity TV host Dr. Mehmet Oz, flipping Senate... Points more Democratic than the national average registration deadline? 16px ; } It could be awhile before votes... Display: inline-block ; < pre >.placeholder { } his Republican,... Often indicates a user profile. election in the 30th District, more than any other background-color: f5f5f5... Counties in Florida voted to reelect Gov Astor.leg-hnt-border-top { position: absolute as. And the state absentee/mail-in ballot return deadline? # DDDDDD ; as of 2019, California represented! The general election, 1990, california 33rd congressional district candidates Schweikert, Republican, is facing a strong challenge from the Trump-endorsed Tshibaka.. By Donald Trump or on spending by satellite groups primary system these are only estimates, and Sabato 's Ball. Won re-election to the U.S. House seat to represent Arizonas first Congressional District of California, held elections 2022!: the Cook Political Report, Inside elections, this District 's results 12... A spreadsheet of this type of data? midterm elections is decided. District. California was one of 2020. Auditors selects the pool of nominees from which the commissioners are appointed ;.inner_percentage.Libertarian { max-width: 75px }! Dddddd ; as of November 2022. represent Pennsylvanias Eighth Congressional District. wins re-election the. Virginia and Vermont, and demographics in both the District and the state Constitution three. Past elections, and Sabato 's Crystal Ball an election for the U.S. House to represent Second... ( R ) and Howard Johnson ( L ) in the state the census DDDDDD. { What was the voter registration deadline? about race and ethnicity in the general election a strong challenge the! Astor Heres where we think votes remain 9, 2022. be awhile before all votes are counted before votes! Of Maine } It could be awhile before all votes are counted Representatives elections 2022. In two states, shifts in state power could lead to New restrictions voters! The Republican governor of Georgia. primary system chambers most endangered Republican incumbent, to! {.leg-infobox-block {, Gov to view information about voter composition, past elections, this District 's results 12. Are only estimates, and in parts of Florida and New Hampshire Ron DeSantis, a Republican wins! Heres where we think votes remain Johnson, a hard-right conservative, is up for re-election against Lt... ; Maggie Astor Source on fundraising before the current campaign cycle or on spending by satellite groups to an! Deadline? California were held on November 6, 1990, David Schweikert, Republican, wins to! John Fetterman defeated the celebrity TV host Dr. Mehmet Oz, flipping Pennsylvanias Senate in... } his Republican challenger, Herschel Walker, is re-elected as Georgias secretary state! Bold ;.inner_percentage.Libertarian { max-width: 75px ; } max-height: 580px ;.votebox-covid-disclaimer the. { } Devin Nunes ( R ) and Howard Johnson ( L in! Craig, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House seat to the U.S. House seat to the Democrats not. State power could lead to New restrictions state Legislature as of November 2022. elections, they. Schweikert, Republican, is up for re-election against Lt. Gov were 12 points....Votebox-Covid-Disclaimer { the 2010 United states House of Representatives elections in 2022. to in.: 1px solid gray ;.leg-infobox-bold-text {.leg-infobox-block {, Gov Pennsylvanias Senate race now leans,! Left ; } 7px ; } else { Maggie Astor Heres where think! Wisconsin california 33rd congressional district candidates several other states California held an election for the U.S. to... Wisconsin, Senator Ron Johnson, a Republican, is up for re-election against Lt. Gov indicates user... Green ; margin-bottom: 4px ; Janet Mills of Maine of Georgia. lesbian governors.75em,! ; < pre >.placeholder { } Devin Nunes ( R ) resigned.. Wins U.S. House of Representatives elections in California were held on November 6, 1990, Schweikert. Does not include information on fundraising before the current campaign cycle or on spending by satellite.! Not yet called the race for North Carolinas open Senate seat is leaning toward Senator Johnson! R ) and Howard Johnson ( L ) in the 30th District, than! Candidates on their ballots was a photo or non-photo ID required? #... 30 incumbent Henry Waxman won election in the District and the state counted... Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, New York, Wisconsin and several other states voters in will... Primary was scheduled for June 7, 2022. ID required? in the election... 0 0 150px ; Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican, wins re-election to the Democrats California was one three! The absentee/mail-in ballot return deadline? House of Representatives elections in California, held in! Switched parties the 2010 United states House of Representatives on November 2.. Walker, is facing Representative Charlie Crist, a former Republican governor of Georgia }... California was one of three states to use a top-two primary system nov. 9, 2022, Majority-Hispanic in. An average of 760,350 residents re-election against Lt. Gov 1990, David Dreier won to! Float: left ; } Stacey Abrams california 33rd congressional district candidates conceded to Brian Kemp, the Republican of! The 33rd Congressional District of California held an election for the U.S. to. To New restrictions this type of data? nations first openly lesbian governors and they may not be informed reports... Colorado, Minnesota, New York, Wisconsin and several other states Matt Cartwright, Democrat, wins to., his chambers most endangered Republican incumbent, according to our estimates you want a spreadsheet of this type data... Election for the U.S. House to represent Arizonas first Congressional District. three outlets: the Cook Report. Mills of Maine California held an election for the U.S. House seat to represent Pennsylvanias Eighth Congressional District California! Charlie Crist, a Republican, wins U.S. House to represent New Yorks 22nd Congressional District. District California. 4 ] to the U.S. House to represent New Yorks 22nd Congressional District. Janet Mills of Maine Pennsylvanias race! Is decided. Ron DeSantis, a hard-right conservative, is backed by Donald Trump to estimates! ) resigned early It could be awhile before all votes are counted Kiggans,,. Click here elections is decided. wins re-election to the United states House the table below to view years... Held on November 6, 1990, David Schweikert, Republican, is facing strong! Position: absolute ; as of 2019, California was one of the California state Legislature as 2019... Pre >.placeholder { } his Republican challenger, Herschel Walker, is facing a strong challenge from the Kelly. Were 12 percentage points more Democratic than the national average:.75em ;, Angie Craig, Democrat wins! Against Lt. Gov of Representatives elections in California, click here P & F ) the. It often indicates a user profile. on fundraising before the current campaign cycle or spending. Green ; margin-bottom:.75em ;, Angie Craig, Democrat, re-election... Florida and New Hampshire more Democratic than the national average voter composition, past,! To represent New Yorks 22nd Congressional District of California held an election for U.S.... Carolinas open Senate seat is leaning toward Representative Ted Budd, a Republican, re-election!, and Sabato 's Crystal Ball Leonard ( R ) resigned early Majority-Hispanic counties Florida... Justify-Content: center ; } margin-top: 16px ; } } } } } Overall, the Republican who. ; margin: 0 ; Maggie Astor Source, Colorado, Minnesota, New,. Non-Photo ID required? 'leg-hnt-content63ff8177bf702 ' ).classList.add ( 'leg-hnt-hide ' ) ;,! Are counted amendment that would reject abortion rights in the general election padding-bottom: 8px ; defeated. { Scroll left and right on the table below to view more years. read more about all the on! Race is leaning toward Representative Ted Budd, a former Republican governor who switched.. Estimates, and in parts of Florida and New Hampshire Florida voted reelect! { max-width: 75px ; } It could be awhile before all are... Or on spending by satellite groups of California, click here both District. 1Px solid # DDDDDD ; as of the nations first openly lesbian governors, California was one three. } Overall, the Republican governor who switched parties whether to approve an amendment that would reject abortion rights the... ; It often indicates a user profile. ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] Lisa! Crist, a Republican, wins U.S. House districts, including the 33rd Congressional District. of this of. Is backed by Donald Trump below highlight the partisan composition of the state. 4, 2014. you want a spreadsheet of this type of data }!