} Links: Home About The Breed History Merits Colours & Patterns Directory. All black animals must have DNA verification before they can be registered. Our goal is to help you get better results from your herd. Running a small feedlot we produce calves for the supermarket trade. (Photo above: Fish Creek Farm Thunderstruck L1 2016 Speckle Park Supreme Beef Exhibit). Consisting of both registered and commercial Speckle Park cattle. Diversifying out of dairy is delivering results for Dale and Robyn Scott, who have gone into producing Speckle Park cattle at Stoney Creek, near Leongatha. $1800 cash Pic: 3sfar020. JAD Speckle Park was launched in late 2016, in. And "Park" was obvious because some of the animals . For sale speckle park cows heifers and calves 2 x 2 years old with calves at foot bull calves will be marked 1 x 2 year old heifer Healthy and ., 1309011028 . Category. Your digital subscription includes access to all content on our agricultural websites across the nation. With their fine skin and hair in summer and a quick to slick off hair coat, Speckle Parks adapt well to the Canadian summers as well as being able to coat up when needed for their notoriously cold winters. This is for new breeders wanting to learn more about the breed as well as seasoned breeders wanting to learn other ways of enhancing. Order By. .jdGallery .slideInfoZone p a:hover { Out of registered Mt Eccles sire. 17 to 18 months of age. Please contact us or SPI for more details. -webkit-border-radius: 5px; They are Polled and British Bred originating from Canada. Videos of heifers and calves on request Data, Data, Data at Fish Creek Farm Speckle Park we will record and itemize all our birth data, we have small high quality numbers to be right on top of this. The Spring 2015 MADNESS Semen Sale . They are predominantly black with white top line and underline, with speckled hips and sometimes shoulders and with a black or black roan face. .jdGallery .slideInfoZone p { Our selection has been based on the following criteria. $2,200 each. In Queensland, Karen Miles and Peter Maunders, Harlin, sold five-month-old Speckle Park-cross steer calves, for $1480 at Woodford, Ray Devere, Kureelpa, sold a pen of Speckle Park heifers weighing 100kg to 110kg, for $1090 at Woodford, and Taunton Pastoral, Iredale, sold Speckle Park heifer calves at Laidley for $2500. If anywhere replicates the Canadian origins of Speckle Park here in Australia, its Woodend North! 2016 Adelaide Royal. Located Cobram phone to view Also have baldy calves and Angus out of dairy cows. Grazing Lucerne. eyes, ears, nose, and hooves. Types. Docile Nature the key to more weight gain and less stress on man and beast. Speckle Parks are docile animals. They are tough, real tough, you can throw any harsh climatic situation at them and they survive, get back in calf, rear a good one, yet are so easy to feed and come back in condition quickly after hard times, traits that will stand them in good stead in Australians harsh environment. Beaudesert breeder Matt Tame has exceptional results over AuctionsPlus in February, selling a line of 59 Santa Gertrudis-cross heifers pregnancy-test-in-calf to Speckle Park bulls. "Tebradden", Bowles Ln, Rylstone NSW 2849. Hes also well suited for breeding speckle for the very desirable trait of a larger portion of white coloring on them. AuctionsPlus is a market leader in providing online services for the PIC 3mxdl139 High prices for Speckle Park cattle, in the saleyards and online March 16 2022 - 4:00pm HIGH PRICES: GDL Roma agent Nick Shorten with a pen of 280kg Speckle Park-cross steers that sold for 722.2c/kg, making $2022.16 a head at Roma in January. Speckles were in high demand at Roma at the end of January, with the Curtis family, Lightning Ridge, NSW, selling 280kg steers for 722.2c/kg at 280kg, making $2022.16. Almarlea Speckle Park Stud was established in 2008 by Mark and Leanne Pointon, located in the Central Tablelands of New South Wales. url('http://www.waratahspecklepark.com/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/fonts/entypo-fontello.eot'), Certified Semen is available on 1086X for US, Canada, Australia. Pure bred speckle park bull for sale. Speckle Parks are moderate sized. Rarely, there are some animals born with red markings. SIX STAR SIZZLING AT 2014 & 2015 Sydney Royal Easter Show. Ready to work in May 2023. PRETTY AS PICTURE " ONLY A SMALL LOT BUT A VERY GOOD LOT. 2009 Royal Melbourne Show - Julie with Pink, Julie with Pink and her calf, Willow, waiting for the Interbreed Competition at the i.e. Rose Hill has the genetics, the capacity and the know how to put you at the forefront of Speckle Park breeding. Below you will find a range of Speckle Park cattle available for sale throughout the UK, including a number of cross-breeds. A Speckle Park commercial cow and calf with Angus cows in the background at the Bartley family's property near . Easy to handle $1800 Speckle Park studs got in on the action with high prices, celebrating stud, national and world records throughout 2021. Fish Creek Farm has their own High Quality Meat Brand and will be happy to Partner with our customers and negotiate a buy back agreement, because Speckle Park Cross cattle are fast becoming the most consistent performers in Australias meat processing. 10:00 AM (SYD, NSW) AEDT 9954673 - 1 NSM Future Breeder GRESFORD, New South Wales exit( __('Sorry, you are not allowed to access this file directly. $1400 per steer or $1300 each of you take all 3. The cattle have incredible performance and are so quiet, even our agent was very impressed with their docility., Eric: (02) 6779 1069 Weaner bulls also available- F4 Speckle Park weaner bulls. 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