Theyd saved her when planning to avenge her death and that closed the book on Tonys involvement with her. Youre gonna have some probie on your team with big bright eyes and a smile and hell steal your heart.. Replies to my comments How could he have missed any of it? Nothing. But Tony wouldnt flirt with her; that just didnt feel right. God knew what the night might bringgood or bad. Your email address will not be published. The first chapter starts right after season 6, episode 2 when Tony takes Ziva and Mcgees side. Thanks Alex. Excuse me? The man asked. Or a half dozen. "The rest of the team?". That is one of the main problems of writing in a current show fandom. He had to find a way to make this better, to get them back on solid ground, but words were so hard for him even at the best of times. Jackson, okay. 114 pages Completed February 8, 2015 MeliJoMet. 1.2K Stories. Keep reading to find out more about some of these popular stories. That resonated. Most nights, the men lived separate lives, with Gibbs spending the evening with his boat, playing with the not so enjoyable sort of wood. This needed to be done in person. Basically the same as Jealousy just with different characters. "Yeah, I'll bring Abbs along. If he couldnt have DiNozzo. But there had never seemed like a good idea when they were going from crisis to crisis, and then itd all gone to hell. Sort by: Hot. I focus on the pain You can make something for him. Gibbs watched the two more senior agents conferring with Hatori, and tried to stifle his sigh. Timothy McGee. Decision made, he pushed himself away from the benchand the bourbonand strode upstairs. Everything is going the way he wants until guide traffickers manage to abduct seven guides, and Steve finds out the guide he didnt know he had is among the missing. people never saw him as anything other than "howard's son", "stark's greatest creation". Was this his third or fourth today? Never a last name. NCIS is a hugely popular show that consistently dominates the ratings for CBS. "Tony!" Mostly me thinking what random ass cross over do I need in my life today? When DiNozzo wanted to know something, all he had to do was probe and push. He was jealous of the teamHatori and probably Alex. Not Henry. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (28), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (16), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (17). It wasnt that. Saras mouth felt like cotton, the minty drink she had just swallowed leaving behind an unpleasant taste. But in this post, I will be writing about some of the most popular NCIS fanfiction according to hits received on Archive Of Our Own. Tony moved out? McGee asked, trying to modulate his voice. Not that he had ever really thought that, but his jealousy had risen up way too easily. The team check in on one another after difficult cases. Click the image above to see if your guess is right! And Ducky. And order some coffee.. It was eerie, theyd said. The call to SecNav had made with numb fingers and acid burning Gibbs gut, but SecNav had made his mind up. Too many crazy hours, Alex. What? Gibbs snapped. Shed graduated top of her class and brought the team smarts and witnot to mention beauty. NCIS | Realistic Tony Dinozzo Fanfic Fan Fic Hear Silent Cries. You dont have to use words, son. Thanks to kaylashay for the gorgeous graphic! And Gibbs had two broken ribs. 9.6K 414 14. They seemed to know how to work him. Tony let out a sound that might have been anguish or frustration, blinked a few times and Gibbs had the distinct sense that this was only the calm before the storm. He finds out he has been in coma for a while and everything was just a dream he had. Maybe it was a culmination of all theyd been throughZiva, and Tony being afloat and all of it. And with a new team, he had a huge learning curve anyway. It was still new to Tony, and took him aback sometimes. His eyes were wide and as brilliant a blue as Tony had ever seen. The wind causes a mishap and Abi catches feelings. He watched as Gibbs first hesitated at the door, glancing to the bed, a small grimace appearing on his features. With a glance at his watch, Gibbs realized that he'd been drifting for almost an hour, the food cooling, his coffee done. "What happened?" You do! His father came around, standing in front of Gibbs, and gave what could only be described as a wolfish grin. OR: Tony and Sara, daughter of Bucky and Steve, bond and new relationships are formed. We talk as much as your brother allows.. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. WARNING: slightly violent situations, non-consensual sexRated PG-13 (or T). Dressed like that, Tony wasnt watching a game or playing cards. Gibbs figured Alex sensed something was wrong, something that went beyond the team being hurt and him being unable to stop it. It takes a few chapters before the real action comes, but when it comes, it is really well written. With three members of the team not at top fighting shape, there were too many chances for accidents and problems, and in their line of work, agents could end up dead very easily. Sorry it's taken me a while to respond, I rarely log onto lj anymore. It was something Tony had considered both before and after Mexico. It was that tone that got Gibbs to stop pacing, though he shifted his weight from foot to foot. There was no way hed take the pain medication hed been given; there was no way hed dull his senses like that. "What're you having, Boss. @51@51@51@. For those who are unfamiliar, The. And it hurt like hell. Hed lost some weight, almost too much for Gibbs liking. Things were spiraling out of control faster than he could keep up with, and Tonys emotions were getting more and more erratic. I hope it isn't too unrealistic? This story is a crossover between NCIS and Criminal Minds. And you? Tony couldnt fathom why Alex had been a mystery to them. And that wasnt him, but what he and Tony had wasnt his typical relationship. That had been courtesy of the fifthor maybe sixthglass. He screams Tim's name, and Tim leans over the edge and sees Tony hanging by his fingers off the side of the garage building. There had been a hesitancy to his voice, a subtle uncertainty that was very un-Gibbslike, that was very, very wrong. Practically no other crime show can touch it, and it has legions of fans worldwide. Tony only looked at the mess blankly, blinking and shaking his head. Tony texted Abby and McGee, but he didnt expect to hear back, not this early, not yet. Or: Tonys an alcoholic whos beginning to discover his sexuality, and Stephen is a med student whos using Tony as an emotional outlet. You think that little of me? Tony had finally done it now, hed provoked Gibbs and sympathy was fading away to rage of its own. When was the last time theyd had sexor intimacy. So I have a list of thirteen potential suspects and exactly one of me to track them all down and figure out who is dirty., You have your teammates, the therapist said quietly. First it was Zivawho Tony hadnt even spoken with since Somalia. One of them let out a sound, a half sigh, half sob, and Gibbs knew theyd be okay. This also creates a unique bond with Gibbs; Tony does not know how to handle this. Casefile. Follow . That sharp tone was in Gibbs' voice again and Tony couldn't hide his wince. Is that all you think this is? Gibbs asked, shocked. This makes it a little hard to follow sometimes. Not tonight. Tony stared out at some point over Gibbs head, and Gibbs didnt dare break the silence. Where was all of this coming from? You done breaking my glasses? The plan? He couldnt help feeling jealous that McGee had slipped into his old life, that McGee was Gibbs go-to guy now. The Avengers must decide what to do and somehow keep Tony from falling apart. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. Order, he said, thrusting the paper at Alex. In him and Tony. You moved in. Dont, I have to, Tony choked out, his own pain bubbling to the surface. As a drastic decision, Tony hands in his resignation and leaves a few letters to his team. I'm starved," McGee asked, crossing to stand next to Alex. The voice started Tony and he dropped the bottle. The skin around Alexs eyes tightened fractionally before his brothers gaze slid away and the other man fixed on a point over Gibbs shoulder. Going to Vance. It wasn't anything Tony understood or agreed with, but he respected it nonetheless. Was Gibbs pissed that he was awake? (ALTERNATIVELY, the author is a sucker for found family and thought bruce wayne, tony stark, and loki deserve to be friends). Gibbs closed the distance between them, his hand lifting to Tony face. Set mid-season 4. Tony was trying not to take it personally, but it was hard. a trans British guy meets tony stark and hell finds a new location at shield high. That time it was over a redhead.. Gibbs enjoyed sparring with Tony for a lot of reasons: There was the simple pleasure of warm and aching muscles after a good workout; he liked keeping his body in shape- something which was getting a little bit harder now; he got the opportunity to touch Tony a lot without anyone thinking it suspicious; but mostly it was because Tony gave him a . well, the people that realized were a *little* closer to home than tony thought they were. Her only real weakness was the fact that she flinched when she shot, so Tony was taking extra time with her at the range to make sure her shots didnt go wide. This was not working out. Well see old friends and make new ones. The power is in your hands, but let me tell you something. The Stargate Series is AU and DADT has already been repealed. I know. Fury only agreed because he thought it'd be a good bonding experience, but oh how wrong he was. With the help of U.N.C.L.E., Ducky works to take care of something that should have been done years ago. Theyd had a weird friend/enemy chemistry. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. It was what Gibbs had said earlier and didn't explain a damned thing! Perhapswith the help of friends., Lions and Guides and Igigi, Oh My! This isnt really a story but more of a compilation of multiple stories. It had been another nightmare day and he was exhausted. They finally find out he is working in emergency at a hospital. You ready? his father asked, voice softening. Gibbs said a quiet goodnight and disconnected the call, feeling more lost than ever. He could do this. He was trying, but Tony could feel things slipping away. Written for the NCIS Big Bang. what have I become? She leaned forward, and he realized he was going to have to talk to her about something, and the case was probably the safest topic. Join them as life throws one spanner after another at them, as Tim and Kelly begin living together. Time moves on for Donald Mallard and he looks back upon the life he has lead. Gibbs missed DiNozzo professionally, and personallythat was one thing he didn't even want to explore right now. When Tony wasnt around, Gibbs gut wasnt at its strongest. I wasdifferent. Why? Gibbs asked, struggling to sound neutral around the fist squeezing his heart. So what's the case?, Drug dealing. If Tony had hoped that the terse tone would warn her off, he was wrong. Tim decides its time to put his life on track. He had no idea why Vance had agreed to it. Jemma was his senior agent and Tony found himself relying on her more and more, despite the fact that she was a younger agent than McGee. Hed tried that years ago and it hadnt been fair to him, to the team, to Gibbs. Because apparently, they are part of a secret investigation in Antarctica. You, Gibbs admitted, and instead of the thundering and commanding tone hed intended, a quiet whisper came out instead. He doesnt need to come down for me, Gibbs said to his brothers retreating back. It was a beautiful early-fall day and was perfect for a cookout. Carlton. Ziva David. The fact that they were half brothers had probably worked in his favor as well. It had been eighteen years since that accident in Oceanside where he lost his family. As proud as he was of Tony. "You're Tony Stark.". The team had become his family, and he missed them. You and Tony need me and Alex to get dinner elsewhere? his father asked, and Gibbs felt his cheeks heating again. He barely squelched his annoyance and held back the snappy retort he wanted to say. It already has over 91,000 hits making it one of the most popular fanfics of NCIS out there. The physical pain wasnt as bad as the emotional. Even as the men wait for Operation Sirin-5 (the hunt for the 5th leader of White Phoenix) to get moving, they find themselves dealing with highly-intimate aspects of their sexuality, things they have kept from even the ones they love., Finding Home by GottahavemyNCIS 390,439 words, Tim McGee travels from London to Athens to his new post and promotion. He watched his lover, wanting like hell to reach him, though he knew he couldnt. Fortunately, his team hadnt caught any new cases, and Gibbs was laid up with injuries. Any of tony good with kids(not his own) no tiva even slightly, have no interest with anything focused on ziva unless it's bashing her. With Ziva too. "I killed the kid and his old man, too," Daemon added. The tok'ra like to believe they are the "good" side of the onac race--the symbiotes who developed into the goa'uld. He and Tony had been together for over a year now, and it was gooddamned good. Gibbs sipped his drink, fingertip tracing over the small scar at his hairline and wondered if he could fix this. Or if he even had the strength to try. Tony asked, resisting the urge to reach out and touch Gibbs. Add to library 83 Discussion 4 Suggest tags. Hes waitin for ya, son, Gibbs heard his father say, and then the door opened and closed and Tonys steady footfalls came toward the kitchen. So even though it isnt a very long story, it is a fun change from the standard fanfics. McGee had grown into his role of senior agent and Gibbs was proud. Tony nodded, refusing to look at the bed theyd shared for so long. His instincts had become honed over the years, his hearing sharpening almost as much as his eyesight. There were so many nights where he or Gibbs were catching long cases, working crazy hoursand in his case, traveling to San Diego for three days in pursuit of someone selling counterfeit Navy uniforms. My Of all the things Gibbs expected, it hadnt been that. Gibbs squeezed Tony's hand nonetheless, carefully, afraid to break him. Gibbs hadn't fallen in love like that since Jenny, and before her, Shannon. She saw Tony come up for air, and for a moment there was relief. That worried himtheyd weathered Tony being an agent afloat, but it had been hard, and they hadnt been together then, anyway. Agent David needs a referral. Hes not going to change, Tony. "No, you're not," Tony insisted. Tony was unconscious, although Gibbs didn't remember whether that was because of the illness or because the doctors had drugged him up, and it didn't matter much to him. The team still worked in the office, doing backups, preparing reports Gibbs had let slide, even looking at some cold cases, himself. Can we? DiNozzo asked, the anguish tramping across his features before he shuttered them. Crossover NCIS, NCIS: LA, Hawaii 5-0, and JAG since they are all in the same "universe". Tony has to figure out what place this gift has in his life and if he wants to share this with Gibbs. 544 18 2. Though Alex and Jack were close, Gibbs brother had been given his stepfathers name and for whatever reason, Jackson had allowed Alex to grow up a Remington rather than a Gibbs, though when hed become an adult, hed legally added the Gibbs to his name. are the property of their respective owners. Though Alex didnt complain, Gibbs knew his back was still bothering him. Chapter 1. All that energy. He would pull out all the stops to stop Tony from his self destructive path. He was picking Alex up at the Navy Yard, where the younger Gibbs had been checking out the Navy Museum, next door to NCIS. Harry and Kelly: Fortius Quo Fidel. or accurate. The first time Gibbs' coffee was spilled, everybody winced but didn't say anything. He picked at the label, eyeing his watch, trying not to think of anything. There was a dangerous finality about that. He hadnt slept much either, had crept downstairs twice to see if Gibbs had unlocked the basement door, which he hadnt. They were drifting further and further apart every day, and Tony didnt know how to save it any more. He know? Alex asked, his voice low, soothing, sympathetic. It was the samebut it was different now. Even his favorite foods were cleaned out, dumped in the trash as if none of it mattered, as if they hadn't been a unit for so damned long. It meant something that Hatori had been on the team several months now. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. "Why not?" Tony, Gibbs whispered, his anguish settling over Tonys shoulders like a heavy stifling cloak. Not your responsibility any more, Gibbs shot back. No matter how much was on the line. But you and me. And maybe even a change the tema blamed him for. You need to scratch an itch.. Tony had no interest in talking with her againtheir relationship had been complicated at best, and conflict had dogged their time as partners. The Last Straw and sequel An Autopsy Gremlin Blues by Writerkos. This work isn't hosted on the Archive so this blurb might not be complete Hed been half tempted to do just that when Vance ordered him off the Yard and home, telling him to get his head together, for himself, for his team. ), Some things will make you re-evaluate your life. Youre helping. It was true. Gibbs had trained McGee and the Navy had trained Alex. That was too much for Tony. With Tony dressed like that. Im aware. Tony responded, his voice dripping with the usual level of sarcasm. Thought it was time we met, Tony said with a shrug. The dark and cool room suited his mood. Gibbs is willing to do anything to keep DiNozzo alive, but this extraterrestrial crap might just push him beyond his limits.Mulder and Scully have serious concerns on who they have sheltered in their home, and Napoleon and Illya are still reeling from making another large jump through time.Is Skinner the only one holding all the pieces? But your responses can. Warnings: No beta. Set in season 1-2. Review, Favorite, and Follow! Not so good with words, but I can show ya feelings.. Ducky mentioned it., Hes the other one who has known Jethro that long. After the Chinese food arrived, the team fell silent and Gibbs was glad to see Alex and McGee digging deep into cold case files. With me. . Even though he was aware of it, Tony didnt try to stop the feeling of crawling inside himself, the mental movies he played when times got bad. Rated T for safety. Instead of the ruined squeak he had managed on Friday and Saturday, this time there was nothing. Hes a Scotch man., I hurt myself today When you stopped talking to me, maybe. Alex held off on the important questions until Tony hit the Fourteenth Street bridge and they slowed to a crawl. It hit Tony with a clarity that almost brought him to his knees. Your email address will not be published. Gibbs never locked him out! She was now working at the Israeli embassy and Gibbs and McGee had seen her a few times. Gibbs watched it shatter, hoping he didnt show his reaction. For reference, these will all be in word count, which can be kind of meaningless without context. Not yet. To Tony's surprise, not a sound emerged from his throat. Vance had pulled them off field duty. Soft steps approached, getting louder as they came closer, and the door was opened slowly, Tony giving Gibbs a wary look. it's a quick fun lighthearted read! He and Alex hadnt discussed some of these more mundane things and Tony kinda hoped they would, once he and Gibbs had figured out what was going on with them. Found one of them. Now that Tony had made his decision, a peace crept over him and he felt limp with relief. The writer is planning on 51 chapters, but when they will be available isnt clear. Gibbs turned to look at Tony, letting his eyes drag up and down his lovers body. KELLY LIVES! Hed been replaced by Mini Gibbs and didnt that suck? Pairing: Beckett/Caldwell, Gibbs/DiNozzo, McGee/Ziva, Sheppard/McKay. A/N AU This is a cute Ncis fic! What about Gibbs? He didnt want to tell Tony; didnt want to deal with that fallout, the worried looks, the panic. Vance had chuckled when Gibbs ordered Alex off the team, reminding Gibbs that this was SecNavs decision as well, and that Gibbs could either deal with it or type up his resignation. . And Tony just couldnt fathom a life without Gibbs in his life. Maybe, just maybe, some walls are meant to be torn down. Hes a big boy, he can handle himself, and you said hes asleep. He doesnt talk much about youhe never has about anyone important to him. Tony risked a glance over to Alex, noticing the other mans head was tilted off to the side. The last, huge Harry Potter novel was about 200,000 words. A chunk had cut deeply into him but Gibbs hadnt wiped up the blood, had just let it flow, itchy and burning, down his face. For so many years, hed allowed himself to exist, to barely exist, because of some need for punishment. Ill bring Alex. Gibbs blinked a few times before nodding once. He stared at his workbench, adjusting his stool and cupping his hands around the jar of bourbon hed kept topped up all night. Jenny Shepard. Every night since, he'd stumbled upstairs drunk and snuggled under the covers on Tony's side. 10 Amazing Persona 5 Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, 10 Popular Ben 10 Crossover Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. No, he wont leave until a doctor tells him shes fine, because thats how he is with her. Written for r/Fanfiction Prompt Challenge35 and with the prompt "berry", Zine Description:Note: Book 3 of Reemergence series, color cover, 316 pages (c) 2015Written by LRH Balzer. He could handle this and he was more than capable. When Fornell notices a lacking in Tim's training and general care for his well-being, he steps into the roll, unbeknownst to anyone. Thats it, Tony confirmed. Yeah, I know. Jethro sighed, stowing his gun and tossing his keys, wallet, and spare change onto the side table. Gibbs turned to look at the exposed ribs of his boat and poured a jar half full of bourbon. And yetyet when Tony had left the team everything had changed and neither of them had been prepared. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. All it meant was that Tony's hand was limp and heavy as he picked it up. And they were making or breaking. The other probie was a guy named Cal Hatori, someone whod been in McGees FLETC class. All that time could he really have had ADHD? 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