Consider the consequences of your actions so that your least effort may bring the greatest and best reward. The acolytes of, Dawn Avenger The captain of the Dawn Avenger was an aasimar cleric of. [20] Though enthusiastically altruistic and only slightly vain, it was said by his critics that his aggressive do-gooder mentality often prevented him from taking more sensible courses of action. Such a god gives credence to characters that care about the well-being of others as much as themselves. He requested that they rid his temple there of the Dark God and offered them help in their quest. The rising sun is his symbol, and his colors are the rose, gold, and violet of the dawn. In his hands, this item would destroy all undead hit by sunlight within a certain radius. His portfolio includes dawn, creativity, athletics, renewal, and vitality, and he is often called upon to bless new life into this world. - Sources->Sword Coast Adventurers Guide. The faithful of Lathander embrace the founding of new communities and the growth of civilization, as long as that civilization gives everyone the potential to succeed. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. This aura of energy also might surround a character that is faithful to Lathander, representing the character as a chosen follower of the deity. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. Deities impact how NPCs react to your character and how some events may unfold differently based on the God you worship.There is no other gameplay implication depending on the Deity chosen.. Also known as the Morning Lord, is a neutral good greater deity of . The full priests took a new name in his service when they were ready to signify that Lathander personally recognized and accepted them. Murdane, goddess of pragmatism and the lover of Helm, died, which naturally found an enemy for Lathander in the guardian of guardians. This +1 mace was made for a cleric of, (such as Chauntea, Arawai, and Demeter), sun gods (such as. In the dawn, beauty reigns, and the way is clearer.. Cracked gravestones and crumbling monuments are scattered across the cemetery grounds, whose center is occupied by a chapel dedicated to. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French). Lathander is a god of beginnings. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She and Lathander believe that their fates are intertwined, and while their romance has faded and flared intermittently over the centuries, they always seems to return to each other. Lathanders name is invoked to seal alliances and christen new ventures or companies. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Only the restorative versions of reversible spells. [3], Lathander's symbol is either a road leading into a sunrise;[6][7] or a sunrise made of rose, red and yellow gems;[2] or a disc of rosy pink hue.[3][4]. Lathander has been revealed to be an offshoot of the elder god Amaunator. So, once Lathander is an established god at your table, how do you show his influence on the world? Lathander, god of birth and renewal is a neutral good god represented by a road travelling into a sunrise. The faithful of Lathander embrace the founding of new communities and the growth of civilization, as long as that civilization gives everyone the potential to succeed. The Morninglord, Bringer of the Dawn, Lord of Birth and Renewal. Wherever you go, plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a rosy future in the minds of all. the Dawn Cataclysm, there was but one goddess of luck, Tyche. If you wish to make a request, please contact us (individual requests are not always granted or guaranteed). At such places folk get married in dawn ceremonies, announce the start of civic projects, and even give birth when possible, to provide the baby good fortune. Proficiency with a mace allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it. Lathander is a god of beginnings. Never was this character flaw so clearly illuminated than during the Dawn Cataclysm, a catastrophe second only to the Time of Troubles, in which Lathander attempted to reshape the entire pantheon in his own image and thereby triggered a major struggle. The Dawn Cataclysm is a very interesting, if underexplored, event in the Forgotten Realms history. Life, Light Realmspace[5] His preferred clothes were a set of colorful robes of reds, pinks, and yellows. offers council to any who pray at the small stone altar to, offers counsel to any who pray at the small stone altar to, , cares for the shrine and offers council to any who pray at the small stone altar to, ","rollDamageType":"necrotic"} necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.Gideon Lightward was a priest of, You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Though he is among the oldest of the Faerunian pantheon, the Morninglord nonetheless retains the cheery optimism of youth that makes him the perfect symbol of beginnings. Merrygold is a priest of, . This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Lathander is also the god called upon to bless birth and fertility related ceremonies. When her current paramour, with this fortuitous happenstance, Tyche reached to pluck this delightful token, which she assumed was a peace overture from, corrupt. One organization that works well for this is the Order of the Aster or the Knights of the Aster. The church recognizes no central authority; the head of each temple is afforded similar respect by followers everywhere. Lathander is the god of the spring, birth, and renewal, a deity of conception, vitality, youth, renewal, and self-perfection. Eldarian Al'maire, a Lathanderite. Aristocrats, artists, athletes, merchants, Any dawn, Midsummer morning, the equinoxes. Ever willing to pass over the failures of today for the victories of tomorrow, Lathander preaches a doctrine of proactive good works and a constant reevaluation of traditions and social mores. This presence can give the character access to new spells, or it might give them extra strength or healing energy. The next step from there is typically thinking about the good domains. Domain is not supported in Neverwinter Nights, Sunrise made of rose, red, and yellow gems, Athletics, birth, creativity, dawn, renewal, self-perfection, spring, vitality, youth, Aristocrats, artists, athletes, merchants, monks (Sun Soul), the young. While you hold this weapon, it sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. However, during the Spellplague and the Second Sundering, Lathanders followers changed that. Even just interaction from a god brought on by the prayers of a player character can be enough reason to have some DM solutions ready to go. There are plenty of divine domains out there. Lathanders name is invoked to seal alliances and christen new ventures or companies. Despite his brazen philosophy, Lathander remains popular among heroes, nobility and commoners alike. Raegen Brunegar on the Morninglow Tower[32], Lathander was the central figure in the Dawn Cataclysm, an ill-fated attempt by the Morninglord to reshape the Faernian pantheon in his own image. He is wearing elegant clothes, a splendid crown, and dawn-colored robes. Now its time for the sun to shine, starting with Lathander, the Morninglord. She refused to partake in Lathander's grab for power and left him to wander the Realms, leaving him a kiss of misfortune as a parting gift. Lathanders clerics sponsor athletic and artistic competitions to showcase the talents of the community, and they often finance the recovery of lost treasures or important symbols to give the people hope and encourage further good works. As a result, he is very popular among the merchant classes, and the church has benefited accordingly. He favored those who dispelled the undead and blessed those who planted new life. Morninglory[8][3][4] [49] It is unknown if they were actually separate beings by this time or if Lathander was simply granting spells to the followers of Amaunator.[speculation]. During his numerous visits to the Great Mother's Garden, Lathander appeared as a giant of a man, to match the size of his lover, Chauntea. Lathander is the god of the spring, birth, and renewal, a deity of conception, vitality, youth, renewal, and self-perfection. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Symbol Through the years, this means Lathander undertook actions he wanted to see. Its certainly one that you can explore at your table from the vantage point of heroes in the realms dealing with the repercussions of such a schism among the gods. Lathander was also the god called upon to bless birth and fertility related ceremonies. People commonly offer a prayer to him before undertaking any journey or endeavor. upgrade now His visage radiated bright shine of the morning sun and his hair burned with flaming orange-red fire. Lathander, god of birth and renewal NG Life, Light Road traveling into a sunrise Leira, goddess of illusion CN Trickery Point-down triangle containing a swirl of mist Lliira, goddess of joy CG Life Triangle of three six-pointed stars Loviatar, goddess of pain LE Death Nine-tailed barbed scourge Militant followers stand at the vanguard of efforts to clear civilized lands of harmful beasts or purge the taint of the undead from the world. Lathander is the god of the spring, birth, and renewal, a deity of conception, vitality, youth, renewal, and self-perfection. Lathander, also known as the Morninglord, is a neutral-good greater deity in the Faernian pantheon. Alignment: neutral good You can even use this as an opportunity to have Lathander gift one of them with Dawnspeaker or some other lawful-good magical item or weapon. They claim to be personally tasked by the Morninglord to see to the affairs of their lessers, as though their fortuitous accident of noble birth granted them a writ to serve as Lathanders mortal representatives. Luthic is the only orc deity concerned with healing, and the most powerful orc goddess. Place more importance in activities that help others than in strict adherence to rules, rituals, and the dictates of your seniors. Lathander is a god with dominion over Life and Light. This is often done for evil gods like Asmodeous or Orcus, but doing this with good-aligned gods seems to get pushed to the wayside in most homebrewed campaigns. But what was the Dawn Cataclysm? You should check them out. In fact, frustrated with the chaos and evil that other gods were spreading throughout the planes, Lathander attempted to recreate the Faernian pantheon in his own image. The resulting effect left several deities dead in the fallout, as well as several powerful outsiders. No mortals know the details of the Deliverance, but the prospect of the Morninglord taking a more active role in the affairs of Toril fills his already excitable worshipers with an almost unsettling glee. They encourage social, cultural, and political progress as agents of personal liberty, artistic expression, and racial harmony. Worshipping Lathander: The Morninglord as a PC Deity, Lathander as a Character: DMing the Bringer of the Dawn, Torm: the True and Loyal Fury - DnD 5e Deity Guide, Tyr: Lawful Good God of Law and Justice - 5e Deity Guide, Tempus: the Spirit of War Embodied - DnD 5e Deity Guide, Goristro in 5e: Stats & Tactics For These HUGE Fiends. During the Time of Troubles, Lathander faded from existence. The flower was so perfect, the goddess thought it to be an apology from her misguided consort. Portfolio The church of Lathander also produces more healers . At the center of the ruins, a tall tower, mostly collapsed, rests atop a bluff. Ceremonies are joyful but dignified and feature singing, offerings, and ritual drinking of well water touched by the light of dawn. He also advocates the destruction of all undead, which he views as a vile corruption that mocks creation and true life. We've already been saving your edits, so if you As such, the first month of the year, symbolic of the rebirth of plant life after the cold winter months, is named after Lathander. His ultimate failure resulted in the destruction of several deities and powerful outsiders, led to the collapse of a half-dozen theocracies, and presaged the fall of Myth Drannor. Within the last year, Lathanders most trusted servants have received word of their deitys secret plan. He also plays a role in the Ravenloft setting (but is always called the Morninglord there, not by his proper name). Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Its gods like this that certainly get me more involved in a campaign. Lathanders temples and shrines host a wide range of functions both municipal and personal. BoLS Interactive LLC. All rights reserved. A gold necklace featuring the symbol of Lathander. Two other persons of note are here as well: Merrygold Brightshine and Valdi Estapaar. Naralis Analor is an elven god known as the Watcher of Souls or the Healer. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Even then, they might still try to see the light within such a corrupted being. A stone with Lathander's symbol carved on the face. In the World Tree cosmology of Realmspace, Lathander resides within his realm, known as Morninglory, which is located on the outer plane known as the House of Nature, which he shares with his fellow deities, Chauntea, Silvanus, Eldath, Mielikki, Shiallia, Nobanion, and Ubtao. Lathander, whose title is The Morninglord, is a deity of creativity, dawn, renewal, birth, athletics, spring, self-perfection, vitality and youth. Symbols: A rosy-pink disk; A solar disk; A peacock or peacock feathers; Aster flowers. This event came to be known as the Dawn Cataclysm, a historical event that led to the death of several gods and the splitting of a few into separate deities. [1][2][3], Lathander appears as a golden-skinned, athletic young man of exceeding beauty. Alignment: Neutral Good Symbol: Road traveling into a sunrise Weapon: A Hammer Holy Days: Midsummer, the equinoxes. is god not of the sun but of the dawn, which represents the start of a new day filled with potential. Lathander Lathander, the Morninglord, is a god of birth, creativity, dawn, vitality and renewal from the Faernian pantheon in the crystal sphere known as Realmspace. [27] His allies included Gond, Tymora, Tyr, Torm, Ilmater, Sune, Selne, Oghma, Kelemvor, and Mielikki. 5b. Weapon (Mace), Artifact (requires attunement by a Lawful Good character). Post author By ; Post date September 15, 2021; No Comments . So it wouldnt be surprising if most temples of Lathander are extremely ornate. Sure, he might sound a bit pretentious, but when youre the embodiment of rebirth and self-love, it can pay to be a bit vain. Perfect yourself, and be fertile in mind and body. A red and golden sash embraced the god's waist. Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox. [13] He was a doggedly determined god[20] who encouraged proactive altruism and constant reevaluation of the old ways. Hes also known for his connection to the god Aumanator, an ancient lawful-neutral sun god. Greater deity[2][3][4] At the heart of the realm is a small lake bordered by a meadow and a stand of tall trees. Back in AD&D, the avatar had 36 levels in fighter and 25 levels in cleric. They were intolerant of evil, especially undead and inaction that caused evil to prosper. Naturally, this has spread the church of Lathander far and wide across Abeir-Toril. Ever willing to pass over the defeats of today to focus on the victories of tomorrow, Lathander preaches a doctrine of proactive good works and constant reevaluation of society's traditions and mores. He is a deity of creativity, dawn, renewal, birth, athletics, spring, self-perfection, vitality and youth. The Morninglords efforts left the goddess Murdane dead, and earned Lathander the ire of Helm. It was an attempt by Lathander to remake the entire pantheon of Faerun in his own image. This new name could either be used instead of their old name or simply used only when addressing other Dawnbringers and when in solitary prayer. They despise the undead, seeing them as both a corruption of the natural order and a disavowal of new beginnings, because undead cling to their old existence rather than moving on. House of Nature[2]Elysium/ Eronia[3][4] Lathander (pronounced lah- THAN -der), whose title is The Morninglord, is the neutral good aspect of Amaunator, worshiped in earlier days as a deity of creativity, dawn, renewal, birth, athletics, spring, self-perfection, vitality and youth. You should check them out. The couple watched as a crystal sphere engorged and then split apart, new stars lit inside them. To save her, Selne was forced to split the goddess of luck, birthing Tymora and Beshaba. The Morninglord believed that his efforts went so wrong because of the interference of agents of Shar, and secretly began working on a second attempt at reforming the pantheon. Here are some times you might pray to Lathander, along with some sayings associated with the god. He particularly dislikes Shar, whom he views as an eternally corrupting force, the foul cancer at the heart of every shadowy intrigue against him and his church. While clerics arent the only D&D characters to worship gods, they certainly are the first ones we think of. Power Level All temples include a mass hall that faces eastward, allowing the congregation to watch the first rays of the rising sun. Several deities were killed in the events that followed, including the goddess Murdane, a death for which Helm never forgave Lathander. Neutral good[6][7] Lathander (pronounced lah-THAN-der), whose title is The Morninglord, is the neutral good aspect of Amaunator, worshiped in earlier days as a deity of creativity, dawn, renewal, birth, athletics, spring, self-perfection, vitality and youth.He favors those who dispel the undead and blesses those who plant new life. Well, Im always a big advocate for tying a gods worshippers to a campaign. He also urges the destruction of undead, which he views as a vile corruption that mocks creation and true life. Created by. With this attitude of, essentially, enlightenment, Lathander is also commonly brought up when discussing art, beauty, culture, and similar concepts. Chauntea seems to appreciate his exuberance more than any other member of the Faerunian pantheon, perhaps because it brightens her ancient soul. Bedroom and Steeple This back room contains a plain wooden bed where Hiral Mystrum, the villages acolyte of, . Beginnings, conception, dawn, eternal youth, renewal, self-perfection, spring, vitality. It would also deal excessive damage to all other evil beings. The Morninglords command over creativity brings him into friendly contact with Oghma, Milil, and Gond, and his unflinching hatred of the undead has made him a fast ally of Kelemvor. Lathander once gifted a powerful magic sword to the Heroes of Waterdeep, aiding them in their quest to cleans a fallen temple in Myth Drannor. He is called upon in defense and frequently by those who have or yearn for hope. You know gods focused on life, renewal, protection, justice, all those things that make your stereotypical cleric such a paragon of justice. The MorninglordInspiration's DawnThe Rose-and-Gold God When the Cult of the Dragon reared its head, Lathander created an Avatar to send to personally battle with Sammaster, the founder of the Cult of the Dragon in Faerun. Celestial Symbol Worshipers Knowing that even the deities arent perfect is such an exciting avenue for immersion, and it allows players to see themselves in characters. Adventuring clerics of Lathander will often wear very utilitarian clothes but are sure to incorporate reds and yellows into their outfits. Remember, there is always another dawn. The Church of Lathander: The rising sun is his symbol, and his colors are the rose, gold, and violet of the dawn. Lathander's priest has short, wavy brown hair and is dressed in a long-sleeved yellow robe. Lathander, God of Birth and Renewal. They despise the undead, seeing them as both a corruption of the natural order and a disavowal of new beginnings, because undead cling to their old existence rather than moving on. Lathander, as he is known, is a benevolent deity. [4], People commonly offer a prayer to Lathander before embarking on a new journey, entering a contract, or start a new political or romantic relationship. His portfolio, or the areas of interest he has power over, includes creativity, dawn, renewal, rebirth, vitality, athletics, self-protection, and youth, among other things. When we talk about good gods, Lathander has to be one of the first that gets brought up. Classification: Greater god of the sun, creativity and renewal . This idea stated that Aumanator, god of the sun, was a more mature and developed version of Lathander, god of the dawn. Lathander often floated and liked to materialize in a glorious spectacle of dawn sun beams. Domains Prayer for good fortune in a new business venture. Basic information Merrygold Brightshine This amiable male halfling is the local priest of, - Sources->Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, and several ink pots rest nearby. The entrance leads to the main mass hall (which faces eastward), with rows of wood benches leading to a large central altar. Dawnspeaker (light or heavy mace)[2] Hello and welcome friends to Legendlore, where I draw pictures of gods, monsters, and characters from D&D while giving a small but dense history about them! [13], Lathander and Chauntea had been romantically connected for centuries and saw each other as kindred spirits. Symbol: Light Road traveling into a sunrise. Influence you will have instant access to your previous versions. 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