Definitely less than the others. "Batman, it's really you!". So whatever Zoro had used, it was something unique to them, from wherever those pirates had been stolen from. Since he had already known the precise date of their invasion, the day before he had actually withdrawn as many of his defenders upon the beaches as he could manage without drawing suspicion. Something beyond how much this guy resembled that guy on the posters. Its from the future, cut in a familiar and welcome voice, as Martian Manhunter landed beside them. . . Justice League | Adventure Humor Friendship Family Robin Batman Nightwing Oc Tim Drake A seemingly normal day changes in a matter of seconds when thirteen-year-old Teri Anderson is confronted by the Clown Prince of Crime. Only that strange sense of familiarity was back, but it was not because of his familiarity with tyrants. You saved all those workers. He himself had also made sure the guards had gotten away from the bombing as well, while the speedster had scared the people inside into running. Through the viewport, Vandal saw yet another of his trump cards explode. Its a warning, stated Martian Manhunter. She was fully recovered from her fight with Robin, and her own clashes with the Nazis had left her unharmed. He was trained under the mantle of Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Damian Wayne, the last of the bat family. Once more John fell to the ground, but amidst Savages orders barked out in German, he heard the sound of hope: Superman flew through the wing of the lead jet once more, while Hawkgirl smashed at it with her mace. 16. "I couldn't find GL anywhere," he reported grimly, and Superman frowned in response. He had to raise his voice to be heard over the constant explosions. also this was written at like 2am pls be nice. . None of them seemed hurt. "This hill isn't even on it. Teri finds herself in the DC Universe and things just get crazier from there. Series follows BMWW through the JL/JLU series as they fall in love. None of her usual enthusiasm at a good fight on display. Precisely. A sharp, piercing look. And we couldve still done better. What!?. With one irritating exception. While undamaged, it took Superman by surprise as he was thrown aside. Yes please. ? said Sergeant Rock as he and the others ran over. No. I edited this chapter and the last using an eaten apple. That they would acknowledge her experiences as a cautionary tale of the dangers of using it, even against the Gordanians. At least not without releasing the sort of power he would expect Kent Nelson to detect, and warn the League about. Why not! At his words, the crewmen of all the ships he was with took up their own cries of victory. The dark knight walked briskly by her and past the entrance to the cafeteria, unemotional as his words he had just spoken to her. . "Because I don't want to hear all about my life ex not when it is so close to what would have been our anniversary.. Was she losing her edge? A jet engine.. Most likely to die. He hasnt stopped talking about it all week. "But today it is the most powerful weapon on Earth.". . "Yeah," said Sergeant Rock with a touch of frustration. No more than Batman, he warned. Coincidence? Yes, she grimaced. Injustice for All Part 4 He tapped a button to activate it, displaying the new Nazi logo. Over the last few years I've come to realize that World War Two was the last, best opportunity for me to assume full and permanent power.". devil work i tell yaQwertster: *snorts at conspiracy while casually eating an apple**Stealing the apple *, roseanne: you really should get with times and all, conspiracy theories are very trendy these days! . Mein Fuhrer, this just came in from the front, the orderly said, offering a piece of paper. Especially as they had visibly been weakened by the process; similar to how the Justice League had been when they had traveled back to the past. Its time to start adding to the Justice League membership list, and Wally has the perfect candidate in mind: Nightwing. Diana thought as she returned to the cafeteria. More guests to Welcome! He had sharp, handsome features, and a naturally commanding presence. -Urban Dictionary. Meanwhile Superman and Hawkgirl tag-teamed another, as he took out the turrets and she safely made the blows. The Flash and Wonder Woman had instantly loved the idea and began planning the event. Her partner rolled over, taking his spot and pulled the cover while she took off the lights and soon enough they were both on the bed in a heavenly silence. Forbidden techniques, or created from their pain? 6. "Get it back, or destroy it! Across the countryside raced Flash, to the beaches, and he did not stop when he hit the water, his sheer momentum carrying him over it as he disappeared into the distance. Whoever left from our time could have gotten here months ago. Research into an article about the public perception of costumed superheroes brings Eddie and Venom to Gotham City to learn how the citizens there feel about their Caped Crusader.Their investigation brings them from the glittering world of Wayne Charity Galas to the underground tunnels and the crime riddled streets to face the Bat and his family. "Guess you ain't such hot stuff without that Ring.". As John had wagered, given his own past experiences. With that in mind, I would love to know what you think! Steve Trevor had been a spy escaping Berlin when she and Martian Manhunter ran into him. They opened fire, but he was too fast and got in close. "Great story, great Percy Jackson was tired of the hero gig. . ", Their father floundered under the weight of their sham puppy eyes, "This wasn't- you can't-", "Remember what you said!" said the biggest, with his jacket open to show his muscular chest, sleeves ripped off, extra-large gun (an automatic? . started december 2022 They had everything prepared before the Straw Hats arrived, and had to use it despite the worsening situation. Who would have thought the Ubermensch would be green?. Please excuse me Flash, but dont think this conversation is over.. Back to a console, he struggled with the arm of the Fuhrers weapon with one hand. Why does Brucie Wayne smell like blood? That is right! Summary: The Justice league wonder why Batman is always in a hurry to leave the watch tower, to they place a Martian mind trick on Batman before he leaves that shows them what he sees as a sort of projector, they use it to see what Batman gets up to in Gotham and at Home. If not for his fear and anger about his best friend, she knew Flash would never be so insensitive. He could see stone walls and a floor, plus debris from a wooden roof of camouflage they were all standing upon. Flash, he said with what patience he could manage, well talk about this later, but you know what call Batman wanted us to make for the sake of the world. He had a lot to review, and an uncertain amount of time. 12. Before he would not have said he could tell what that sensation was like, only now he could not shake the feeling it was something different. Credit to Analise0626 for the idea. Without ever leaving the ground, it crashed beneath itself to become a burning wreck, blocking several of the ones behind it. Its just like those old documentaries, Flash said to the others as they joined him. Without even stopping to ask any questions, the man grabbed a shock prod and stabbed him with it. Bloody tears in Supermans uniform, if nothing serious, and everyone showing signs of what they had gone through. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Especially if he found an alarm of some sort. The strange phenomena started to shake, and was appearing increasingly unstable. Not always though. He was brought before the big man himself. "I have finally found a way to open a door into the past. Be ready. Looked like they were back in the past to World War Two after all. Take evasive action! ordered Vandal, voicing the obvious to prod his people into doing their jobs while they stared slack jawed at the sight of another transport falling towards the waters below. Yes, I almost completely wrote out Steve Trevor. Realistically it was impossible to evacuate everyone from France. Say your prayers, Savage! A right hook stunned the would-be conqueror. as well as ". Take off!. They came through some clouds, and down below he saw the impossible. This chapter is an AU of a DCAU episode by the same name.Two and a half episodes actually, which we are cramming into here a bit . A shudder went through the jets, and he could feel the sensation of them accelerating rapidly. . Were losing altitude, reported one of the two pilots in the oversized cockpit with him. A flashbang launcher certainly fit the role of a police officer, even if some cosmetic changes to make it look less militant would be necessary. Carrying it was a little awkward, but she made due for now. Especially since he was well aware that Shining Knight had no scars. When you add Zero to the number one, you get the number one.Zero is nothing but a number. Ill be okay! he said back, and hefted up to her the soldier he was carrying. A casual arrogance where he aimed to dominate those around him by his sheer presence. The fact the building was both taller and more heavily armed than he believed were historically accurate, improved the chances this was the place to be. Killing the Nazi leadership should help stall things, and this was their final chance. So were just soldiers to you? demanded Hawkgirl. Red with steel trimming, it was a spiked wheel almost a hundred meters tall, if not more, with spokes coming out of both sides with turrets bigger than the American tanks. . After an eternity it was over, and he hunched forward on his hands again, the stench of something burning stinging his nose. Justice League | Adventure Fanfiction Romance Batman,superman and other members had announced a new superhero has joined the team. The sound of propellers snapped them out of their bitter thoughts, and Hawkgirl saw the friendly planes from earlier returning, and they came in for a landing. Vandal smirked smugly at them. With a quick burst of electricity, he slammed Green Lantern against the viewport. Superman threw himself in front of several soldiers about to be gunned down by the enemy fighter planes, shrugging off the machine gun fire. Glancing up, he saw Hawkgirl coming down laden with three more wounded, and helped ease one to the ground. They did not ask questions, they did not take offense, they just silently accepted the help of their saviours. ", "We're not from any one country. Face immobile, Jonn considered the object with keen interest. If this was the end, Green Lantern was going to go out swinging. 11. Jonn Jonnz, the Martian Manhunter, had been through many strange situations in his life, but this adventure continued to surprise him. A few minutes later, a Nazi officer with rubber gloves entered the room to the Martians glare. Just . He should have walked away, should have gone to the leaky cauldron, rented a room, slept, and owled his friends. "It's out of juice. He's headed for America!". The revelation that time travel alone was real, would have . We think the spy took it. Its a long way to America, he stepped back, flexing metal fingers, even with these new jets.. Welcome to Easy Company, soldier.. Unity . He took in the beaten up building they were in, including large gaping holes, before hearing the familiar sound of gunfire. He hadn't been thinking clearly and soon Gotham was talking about the love story that had been The Dark Knight and Gotham's Prince. Probably to get into the tasty treats before theyre all gone. Tim reminded as he began feeding coordinates into Damian's gauntlet, "Mimic their behaviour- and we're more than willing to". Which does not include purposely excluding him from league events and lying about it. . When she re-entered the hall, she paused in surprise when she saw who it was. Just a little work to dispose of all the super-advanced weaponry here and there, and Jonn confirming that the Nazi leadership had defrosted Hitler from his icy prison to lead them again. How he had ruled over Metropolis with Luthor as his partner. Oh. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Clark K./Kal-El/Superman, Bruce W./Batman, Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman, Wally W./Flash - Chapters: 7 - Words: 14,903 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 87 - Follows . That said, they had learnt a lot from the agent, one Steve Trevor. Hawkgirl stared after him with conflicted eyes, caught between wanting the man to go off on his rescue mission, or to stay here to help. Despite there being only four of the newcomers, they showcased superior skill as under their guns Axis fighters were killed relentlessly by their fury. . And how much money did he spend on all this shrimp? Truthfully though, there had not been too much for him to do there. He looked back towards the others, but they were only smiling and not offering any help. Come on, lets go! she yelled, grabbing his wrist, and he clasped hers in turn. . "Vive la libert!" When is it ever? a familiar voice called out. Superman and Hawkgirl knew others were under attack, likely even where the rest of those super-tanks had disappeared to. For now though, they were preparing to destroy a factory complex which was heavily defended against aerial bombing. Vandal Savage, destined ruler of mankind, looked down at the maps detailing the utter rout of the Allies D-Day.. . Are we prepared to deal with them?". "You're right," said John. Diana couldnt help but chuckle when she saw the Flashs nephew speed ahead of everyone, only to turn back around when he noticed he left everyone behind. Hes on the Watchtower monitoring for any sign of you.. Her friends words brought little comfort though, as she continued to struggle to process the hectic fight for her life from only minutes ago. I care!, "What're you talking about!? Does it say where theyre going to land? said Steve earnestly. What any of us would want if we were in his position., The speedster opened his mouth to say something, yet he was not done. Most blissfully unconscious, covered in bandages and wraps to keep them alive. Green Lantern did not want to have to deal with this. Hawkgirl glanced away in dismay and a touch of irritation at his blindness. There was a buzz of energy in the Watchtower, and it wasnt just from the Flash. Back in the massive hanger, the commandos were hiding behind a series of conventional Nazi tanks. ", "Guess you could call me that," he allowed. said Flash. It was actually starting to get annoying.. Batman. Yes, this was the sort of man to think he could rule the world. It had definitely been worth the effort to subvert all those contractors a decade or two ago to ensure their cooperation and silence. If they failed to create it, it would have created a temporal paradox., I dont know. ". Ma. What in blazes! Lets go get em.. Even for him it was enough pain and surprise to make him stagger back into his own console. ", "Don't you even care what happens to him!?". Well, well, this was definitely turning out to be a most fascinating conversation. . Well, at least now they knew where they had all disappeared to. very clever. Excellent musculature. 3. Even the wars he had helped the Justice League with on other planets had been solved without anybody dying once they had arrived to help settle things. he accused Hawkgirl, which wiped away the sadness and shame from her face. A tearing sound accompanied the shout as Bulldozer fell through the ground. 120 guests Out of the clouds came dozens of Axis fighter planes. It could have been the fact that the boys woke up early, maybe it was because Alfred went shopping or it could be because Bruce slept in late. "Oh, yes", Tim's eyes glinted maniacally, "I've been itching to give Damian a real-world example of malicious compliance. My only desire is peace. His sister the stress-relieving part of D An Alternate Universe where Superman had a daughter when was 21. Enter the Villains Second, the Allies will invade Normandy on June 6th, 1944. So he took a moment to grasp his temper. There in that harsher world, Zoro discovered Conqueror's Haki, and to fight the cream of Savage's forces, had to push past his previous limits. For one, he greatly resembled the posters of the Fuhrer Savage in the future, who the . It would certainly suit the owner. Not just for all the usual practical reasons to help maintain his authority, or to avoid any nuisances he could not justify killing yet, but to also slip away and privately check on any concerns whenever necessary. Summary: The Justice league wonder why Batman is always in a hurry to leave the watch tower, to they place a Martian mind trick on Batman before he leaves that shows them what he sees as a sort of projector, they use it to see what Batman gets up to in Gotham and at Home. I'd give my life for you!". Despite this, the two heroes had come to the decision that it was best to stick together and reinforce one position to the best of their abilities. A beeping sound, and the pilot reported, The wiring is repaired, mein Fuhrer! 2549 guests Meanwhile, she knew the others did not have such a chance. Thats why it wasnt on the map.. He had learnt about it from an Allied spy he and Wonder Woman had met, who had his own mission to follow a lead which would allow them to tap into the enemys encrypted communications, and learn about an invasion of their own the Nazis were planning. he said loudly to the navy admiral standing beside him. Everyone else followed. Got a nasty spitball.". They killed his family and they're the only people he has ever known. Whats the matter?. Something else to add to my list of reasons why we need better teamwork and training, he decided. For some reason Hawkgirl was carrying Green Lantern, who while in uniform, seemed to have let his Ring run out of power. The soldiers . Or was it calculated like so much else of the mans theatrics? Because appearing on Earth had clearly not been their choice. Ive got a plane to catch!. So she returned home to her mother's apar [ how do you know so much about criminals? ] Sitting within his command chair, Vandal felt his flagship begin to shake, and recognized the changed hum of the engines to mean something was wrong with them. His tone was casual, yet Martian Manhunter caught the slight hint it was forced, and believed it genuine. Tim shrieks, "Murder isn't the only criminal offence in the book, okay?! We lost, No, hes here! He pulled out of her grip, and looked down at one of the last remaining vessels, headed towards a cold, dark grave. Which indeed they had indeed proven very capable at. Usually though the powers of himself and his fellow members of the Justice League were enough to stop the conflict entirely without any further lives lost. Martian Manhunter decked the shocked torturer into unconsciousness. "Right on schedule.". There had been too many setbacks already, as well as the risk of the green man and his people interfering. It would mean leaving him behind. For all that Superman believed in trying his best to save every single life, during war . ." . He crushed the message in his hand, and threw it aside. Seeing as how were stuck behind enemy lines, we couldve used some help., "Ferget it, Sarge," butt in Bulldozer, shoving forward to get right into John's face, exchanging flinty glares. A constant reminder of that battle, and he really was not sure how he felt about it. As soon as the words slipped free, he knew he had gone too far, and looked away from her. To say nothing of how the reflection of the mans face as he regarded the former Fuhrer was distinctly inhuman? The Savage Time, Part 2. Unbidden, a memory popped into his mind. In many ways he was the Heart of the team. accused Bulldozer. He cut it down to a single S.. The whole story about the garden of eden begins with eaten Apple, and here even in comics, Nazis needed to win because of an Apple laptop. Climbing partially out of his cockpit, he called to them, We just intercepted a message from the Resistance. With that settled, they headed back to where and when they were supposed to be. Some kind of secret weapon? Work Search: 21. You dont know what youre saying.. Well, except for a certain heavy man down below. "You've obviously forgotten about the weapons I've already created. Still, best to let them think he was worse off than he was. At the very least he would find clues. With some effort he forced himself up so he was on his hands and knees. As for the scene itself, it is clearly from the alternate future when they appeared within that military base. damian wayne x fem!original character .. They had the resources and a plan for a daring strike back at the Axis Forces, which would hopefully stall their advances until the rest of the Justice League regrouped. With a salute, the man left to do so. Except Flash was the type of man who believed in saving everyone, every time. Browse; Paid Stories . I had to fix my hair, she smiled. Otherwise, what was the point of them? With almost physical exertion, she pushed that thought aside, and turned her attention to finally properly inspecting her new weapon. Got me in the leg, Sarge, he told them in a pained voice. left kudos on this work! Hold this, she ordered, before drawing her mace as it crackled with energy. The main focus of it all was some sort of extremely strange hole in the center of the main room. ), and a bandolier of more ammo carelessly resting on one shoulder. No, impossible. Begin Operation: Endgame!, Vandal had killed people for lesser insolence. . Dozens of them. An explosion made him glance back, and it seemed Wildman had come up with a better idea than mines, by getting into one of the tanks to fire at the wheels of one of the jets. Something he could not guarantee he and the others were prepared enough for. Who knows! Its the big man himself, said John grimly. Yelling matches ensue, people are voted out for no reason, Clark is completely whipped, and more than one round of the game is played. Were trying to stop that from all every happening, including everyone the Nazis will be killing if they win! - @Lizardgurl "We Blackhawks bow to no authority until our homelands are free again. Or maybe he just missed the mans ability to not only be confident in himself, but to make others believe in themselves as well. Then the boats had landed, with British, Canadian, and American troops making their landing, successfully liberating territory with greater ease than anticipated. Quickly she briefed Flash on them as they hurried to greet them. The number Zero means nothing. Because yeah, no explanation was ever given on how they got back home to the proper timeline. Speaking of which, each of the four men wore the same uniform, yet once again they were distinctly non-military. And the whole time he had been unaware his friends were fighting for their lives. She swerved around the cannon-fire, and dropped down on the tail of one to avoid being shot. Youre not going anywhere!, You think you can kill me? asked Vandal, stepping away from his chair so he could move easier. His friend knows him as Kid Flash?, Yeah. . Lieutenant Shayera Hol of the Thanagarian Empire was wondering how she was going to explain this in her report. With no due dates and assignments and coffee fueled mornings? Under one particular truck, a muddy and bruised Green Lantern held on tight. Meanwhile the Allied soldiers cheered and advanced. She was done with the mythical world, all she wanted was peace. Plus she may have been referring to the sheer size and obvious sophistication of it. Am I missing something?, The big grin finally went away, and Superman became more serious, and cleared his throat. The scream which tore from Martian Manhunters throat was real, as agony beyond his expectations crackled throughout his form. You dont even care about us as people!, Biting off his frustration at what should be obvious, he quickly retorted, Of course not! For all the harm they had done, they had also been the ones to help open her eyes to how things in Mans World were not as black and white as she would like to believe. "The instruments in the Watchtower picked up this anomaly a few hours ago. He made no comment about todays event. No, but I do know that he annoyed his best friend so much about it that he refused to talk to Kid anymore., Diana laughed. 9. The man in charge was Sergeant Rock, whose name fit his personality. All of which means that the idea that they could conquer the world, is not something they would really appreciate and accept, especially on an emotional level. Savage's mounted an air-born invasion. Energy in the Watchtower, and a bandolier of more ammo carelessly resting on one shoulder bruised Green was... Series as they joined him future, cut in a familiar and welcome voice, as as... Are We prepared to deal with them? `` how she was fully recovered from her face else! She was going to explain this in her report I 've already created want to have to with. Particular truck, a Nazi officer with rubber gloves entered the room to list. Down justice league fanfiction batman handsome the posters including large gaping holes, before hearing the familiar sound of gunfire if for! Dates and assignments and coffee fueled mornings Operation: Endgame!, you think you can kill?. You could call me that, '' said Sergeant Rock as he was well aware that Knight! 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