Task motivation is important in China and India but less so in the U.S.A. differences between the East and the West, In French on The Conversation | Comment la crativit dune population se faon, The 4 Key Stages of Idea Creation in the Creative Industries, Cliques or Cosmopolitans? c. must communicate with employees who have different values. succeed. Expatriate managers 6. All Rights Reserved. Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrueofpeopleincultureswithlowuncertaintyavoidance? So many factors come into play, so much more than merely your gender." (Laura, 34, Caucasian, Australia) "It's hard to put into words, but I think a lot has to do with how you're raised, and your family . Goal setting is a more masculine trait. Share. High vs. Low Power Distance Cultural Communications | What are High and Low Power Distance Cultural Communications? People born from 1946 through 1964 are called _____. Their upper managers show support for the advancement of women. b. In a masculine culture, men are expected to be assertive, competitive, and focused on material success. d. It inhibits innovation. And uncertainty avoidance reflects a culture's tolerance of ambiguity and accep-tance of risk. Traditional Masculinity and Femininity: Validation of a New Scale Assessing Gender Roles Front Psychol. Gender stereotypes are beliefs and characteristics typified in the behavior of males and females and which arc deemed appropriate and therefore acceptable. Abstract Sweden is one of the most popular European countries and is often described as a progressive, modern, flourishing, social welfare state. b. a. see conflict as constructive b. d. socialism, _____ is a cultural orientation in which individuals belong to tightly knit social frameworks and depend strongly on a. Stereotypes may prevent managers from developing synergies to benefit the organization. Predictor: Climate appears to be the best predictor of Masculinity / Femininity. Their areas of expertise include: U.S. histories of gender, sexuality, and empire; feminist political economy; reproductive politics; and the carceral state. d. It helps in solving interpersonal conflicts. In traditional Samoan culture, boys born into male bodies who identify as female as known as Fa'Afafines. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. In the context of competing in the global economy, globalization suggests that: a. the world's cultural diversity is of no significance to transnational organizations. There are no WITI online coaching circles scheduled at this time. a. People in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance: b. men should be modest b. employees refrain from bypassing the boss a. Masculinity is seen to be the trait which emphasizes ambition, acquisition of wealth, and differentiated gender roles. d. The glass ceiling. c. People are highly threatened by one another. _____ is the Chinese practice of building networks for social exchange. Although, multiples studies open the possibility that individuals can simultaneously have male and female attributes. If Lars and Jane aren't aware of the differences in societies and cultures, they might not tailor their messaging. _____ are managers who work in a country other than their home country. Finland is a feminine culture on Hofstede's scale. This approach may overlook some nuances in the effect of cultural differences since East and West display differences within themselves. d. Sexual abuse. b. His theory says that cultures can be categorized by gender based on how they stress the balance between individual achievement and social nurturing. d. to take a more activist position regarding employee rights. Which of the following is true in countries with high power distance? It enhances organizational flexibility. a. a. Femininity Trompenaars' Cultural Dimensions Model & Examples | 7 Dimensions of Culture, Cross-Cultural Interactions & Relationships in Agile Organizations, Individualistic vs. Collectivistic Cultures | Concept, Differences & Examples. Organizations are not obliged to behave ethically in their social environment. Michel Lander's research interests include organizational theory, the influence of organizational design on objective functions, Professional Service 1 Rue de la Libration It welcomes change. 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. 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Jane doesn't understand Lars either. True False, In societies with low power distance, bosses are afforded more authority, which is seldom bypassed, titles are used, Gender roles are the composites of behaviors typical of the male or female in a given culture. During the month, she completed the following transactions connected with her professional practice: h. Paid cash to creditors on account, $1,750. Men, the idea goes, should be assertive, tough, and decisive, whereas women should be nurturing, modest, and tender. Advancing Your Career. Numerous studies have found that the media depict political candidates in terms of firmly established gender stereotypes. A leading authority of women in technology and business, WITI has been advocating and recognizing women's contributions in the industry for more than 30 years. Which of the following is most likely true of transnational organizations? While human nature is inherited, culture is learned; however, individuals within all cultures vary based on differences, preferences, values, and experiences. Teresa Amabile suggests in her work that, in order to be creative, individuals need to possess all those three dimensions: creativity-relevant skills, domain-relevant knowledge, and task motivation, in order to come to creativity outcomes in their work. His theory says that cultures can be categorized by gender, based on how they stress the balance between individual achievement and social nurturing and by how people within each culture take on gendered roles. TT is currently producing two models: Chatty Chelsey and Talking Accounts containing a single entry only (such as Prepaid Insurance) do not need a balance. Bosses are afforded more authority. She wonders how he can sleep at night without worrying about the future. a. At the beginning of 2016, the companys ownership interest in the common stock of Milken Properties increased to the point that it became appropriate to begin using the equity method of accounting for the investment. a. This resource shows how the way of selling things to the population are also influenced by feminine and masculine dynamics. a. individuals should not be used as a means to an end False, Cultures characterized by individualism are tightly knit social frameworks in which individual members depend Even now that it is starting to get colder and winter is settling in, women continue this custom with high heeled boots. While the importance of creativity is global, how culture influences creativity across countries is still very much a point of debate. They are not likely to face economic difficulties. I highly recommend you use this site! a. formality is the rule They are based on Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative. Some of the India Folk dances are listed in UNESCO's list of intangible cultures. margin increase if the assembly department could get 65 more labor hours at$12 per hour? False, Ethical theories help us understand, evaluate, and classify moral arguments. According to the chief executive officers of U.S. corporations, _____ is a major challenge that managers must. To come to our conclusions, we conducted a meta-analysis. According to Hofstede, a masculine culture or masculine society is one that stresses different expectations for men and women. Which of the following is true of individuals with disabilities in the United States? Fundamentally, individualism is a belief that the individual is an end in themself. a. \text { Talking Tanya } & 3 \text { pounds per doll } & 20 \text { minutes per doll } & \$ 50 \text { per doll } \\ c. They earn less than 30 percent of all the master's degrees in the United States. d. Firms that are seen as socially responsible lack competitive advantage. Production in 1. a. Masculine culture is a culture in which people are expected to adhere to traditional sex roles. Men are expected to be assertive, competitive, and focused on material success, while women are expected to be nurturing and focused on people and quality of life. a. b. a. Hofstede's descriptions of these cultural types are based on gender stereotypes, and not every person fits these stereotypes. Learn about the difference between masculine and feminine cultures, their effect on communication, and the communication across the different cultures. Clown fish were invented by Disney/Pixar in 2003. In the context of valuing diversity, which of the following is a difference between prejudice and discrimination? Please check back soon for updates. b. d. are given authority only if they have expertise. and limitations by doll model and department: MoldingMaterialsAssemblyTimeSellingPriceChattyChelsey2poundsperdoll15minutesperdoll$39perdollTalkingTanya3poundsperdoll20minutesperdoll$50perdollMaterials/LaborAvailable36,000pounds8,500hoursCost$8perpound$12perhour\begin{array}{lccc} All rights reserved. Instead of being loyal to his organization, he solely focuses on his own goals and his family's well-being. They give men more importance than women. Of course, there are also people of both sexes that are focused on both achievement and also enjoying time with the people around them. d. Titles are used and formality is the rule. A high masculine culture is characterized by focusing on money, possessions, and traditional family values. His theory says that cultures can be categorized. The balance in the investment account was $31 million at the time of the change. It's that internal glow that shines so bright it reaches the skin's surface and makes one's entire aura fill a room with positive energy. Empower Innovators. When Lars talks to his friend Jane, he sometimes gets confused. To the left of each amount entered in the accounts, place the appropriate letter to identify the transaction. True It can be said that Mr. Okazaki is an expatriate manager. Which of the following is a risk created by the changing demographic trends that present organizations with a Briefly describe other steps Trump should take to report the change. In societies with low power distance, _____. d. Their share of authority has increased commensurately with their education. Cultural feminism attributes to those differences distinctive and superior virtues in women. the assembly department is limited by the amount of trained labor available. Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions: Theory, Purpose & Types | What is Cultural Dimension? Final Words. Sporting Femininities. Her prior preoccupation was to represent the 'new woman' of the Weimar Republic with new social role and given freedoms. A score of 100 in Long term orientation shows that South Koreans live their lives guided by virtues and practical good examples. Analyzes how race as a factor complicates positive views. Titles are used. It states that the self-interest of human beings is the government's providence. She'll talk to potential clients about the way that their system will give the business an edge over the competition and how it will make workers accountable for their own successes. Feminine cultures tend to have loose gender roles, equal pay, female representation in most positions of power, and quality of life and relationships with people are valued over materialistic items like money or expensive cars. Cultural feminism is a variety of feminism which emphasizes essential differences between men and women, based on biological differences in reproductive capacity. That doesn't mean that every woman is nurturing and thinking about how to live a fulfilling life or that every man is out to make the most money possible. jacqueline a. rouse in her study of atlanta points out that women progressives operated under racist worldview that sought . Try out our new practice tests completely free! Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrueofculturalrelativism? It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on Study.com. d. People who adhere strictly to cultural relativism may avoid difficult ethical dilemmas. Power Distance Index & Examples | What is Power Distance? a. individualism c. people should be allowed to pursue what is in their economic self-interest d. Kibbutzim. b. a. c. managers and employees see one another as fundamentally different kinds of people b. According to Toffoletti et al. b. Individualism c. They are more committed to their organization than older workers. For each country, we analyzed how the cultural bundle moderates the relationship between, on the one hand, domain-relevant knowledge, creative-relevant skills, and task motivation and, on the other hand, creativity. face severe economic difficulties and high crime rates in large cities because: What we traditionally mean by masculinity is captured in the adjectives, again both positive and negative, our society traditionally ascribes to men: strong, assertive, brave, active, independent, intelligent, competitive, insensitive, unemotional, and aggressive. d. They emphasize the personal virtues and intent of an individual. a.the quality of life is not considered important b.money and possessions are of paramount importance c.men and women are expected to assume both assertive and nurturing roles d.men are assumed to be tender and modest, whereas women are assumed to be tough and decisive d. materials in the molding department and labor in the assembly department. d. the fairness of outcomes individuals receive. In summary, both countries with a tight and loose culture can achieve creativity, but the dimension through which this is best achieved is determined by the cultural values also present in the cultural bundle. Argues that women continued to define themselves by traditional, victorian mores of femininity, but linked that identity to the need for an active role in politics. d. They keep their families' best interests above their organizations'. She spent ten years in consumer marketing for companies such as Nielsen Marketing Research, The Dial Corporation and Mattel Toys. Identity is how an individual qualifies their experience within that culture and feels a part of it. The haka represents the pride, strength, and unity of a tribe and is characterized by foot-stamping, body slapping, tongue protrusions, and rhythmic chanting. b. b. they are less likely to have had satisfactory schooling. d. Their middle managers allocate lesser number of tasks to women than men. They are also called the silent generation. South Korea scores 39 on this dimension and is thus considered a Feminine society. So in the case of the U.S.A., we find yet again a country outperforming on one dimension (domain-relevant knowledge), yet underperforming on another one (task motivation). Cultural tightness refers to the extent to which cultural values are actually enforced. a. Build Inclusive Cultures. b. they are less likely to have had satisfactory schooling. She seems so focused on competition and making money, which Lars doesn't care about. For example, the Chinese culture does not comprise the same set of cultural values as the Indian culture; and the same is true for the American culture compared to the French one. They focus on their individual goals. In the context of age diversity, which of the following statements is true of younger workers? b. Record the above transactions directly in the following T accounts, without journalizing: Cash; Accounts Receivable; Supplies; Prepaid Insurance; Automobiles; Equipment; Notes Payable; Accounts Payable; April Layton, Capital; Professional Fees; Rent Expense; Salary Expense; Blueprint Expense; Automobile Expense; Miscellaneous Expense. People believe in minimizing inequality. d. They tend to seek consensus. c. women should be tough It leads to better communication. Hofstede's Uncertainty Avoidance | Culture, Example & Index, Long-Term vs. Short-Term Orientation | Hofstede, Culture & Concept. a. d. employees judge each other on a basis of equality. c. Character theories Authors Sven Kachel 1 , Melanie C Steffens 1 , Claudia Niedlich 1 Affiliation 1 Department of Social and Economic Psychology, University of Koblenz and Landau Landau, Germany. People often place a greater emphasis on standing out and being unique. b. tolerate ambiguity better. d. They are an underutilized human resource. flashcard sets. a. Building Your Network. d. an unethical act. He doesn't seem to care about making enough money to pay his bills, instead preferring to do things he loves and spend time with his friends. They seek to fit harmoniously within a group. The _____ eliminated the heavy tariffs placed by Mexico on U.S. exports and provided that the remaining tariffs be. c. good is the ultimate moral value. Geert Hofstede, a social psychologist, was one of the first people to define cultures by gendered traits. 1, K. Manimekalai2. According to Geert Hofstede, a well-known social psychologist, a culture can be analyzed basing on six cultural dimensions: Power Distance: the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. To understand more about Lars' and Jane's cultures and how to communicate with different types of cultures, let's take a look at one way of categorizing societies along the axis of masculine and feminine. In cultures characterized by traditional femininity, assertiveness and materialism are valued. Frame Material: Solid Wood; Loving my new chair. b. Venus with a Mirror (c. 1555) by Titian, showing the goddess Venus as the personification of femininity. a. a. Stereotypes may prevent managers from developing synergies to benefit the organization. c. Gender harassment a. The masculinity-femininity dimension describes how a culture's dominant values are assertive or nurturing. 140 lessons d. They receive fewer benefits than their male counterparts. Determine account balances of the T accounts. The Mahvidys are the representative Tantric feminine pantheon consisting of ten goddesses. b. To address the holistic effect on creativity, research has focused on the differences between the East and the West. wrongs. Diversity has garnered increasing attention in recent years largely because: a. tend to regard the silent generation as complacent. True Enter your email to receive articles from leading executives, networking opportunities, industry discounts and more! d. are more willing to take risks. \text { Cost } & \$ 8 \text { per pound } & \$ 12 \text { per hour } & [Solved] In cultures characterized by traditional femininity, assertiveness and materialism are valued. b. a.Prejudice is a cultural orientation in which people belong to loose social frameworks, whereas discrimination is a cultural orientation in which individuals belong to tightly knit social frameworks. Machismo is an important concept describing men's behavior in Mexican culture, yet it is not welldefined. She is a part of a non-governmental organization in which the members strongly depend on each other and value group decisions. Most conceptions of machismo focus on a restricted, negative view of hypermasculinity. Geert Hoftstede, a social psychologist, was one of the first people to define cultures by gendered traits. True The theory of Hofstede's cultural dimensions constitutes a framework revolving around cross-cultural communication, which was devised by Geert Hofstede. So, when Lars and Jane are baffled by each other, it's in part because of the way their different cultures view the world. It informs much about the way we talk and think. Feminine culture is a culture in which people, regardless of sex, are expected to assume a variety of roles based on the circumstances and their c. are concerned with security and tend to avoid conflict d. refrain from taking activist position regarding employee rights. a. a. a. The dimensions collectively portray the impact of the culture ingrained in society on the values of the members of that society. Lars, on the other hand, is likely to describe their system in very different terms. a. Cultural relativism refers to the idea that: Older employees in an organization _____ than their younger counterparts. The following requirements refer only to the preceding data. c. people trust one another a. Diversity d. of demographic changes in the working population. Correct. Again, this stands to reason as it was characterized by being almost the mirror opposite of the cultural values in the UK. This is where communication can work against them. As a result, their communication might not be as effective as it could be. b. d. Socialism, Martha is from a culture that has a tightly knit social framework. a. A cultural bundle is the set that includes both the cultural values characterizing a given country, and the strength of the norms enforcing these values (or cultural tightness). Emergence: Aligning Purpose and Profit Summit, WITI Member Orientation, Update and Networking, The Pulse Celebrates The Following Women December 19 - 30. We find that the antecedent creative-relevant skills (which includes flexible cognitive style, open personality, and affect), is very important to achieve creativity in culturally tight countries like the U.K. when they are characterized by individualism, low power distance, masculinity, and low uncertainty avoidance. b. the world is divided by borders and diverse cultures. It is evident that John belongs to a culture where _____ predominates. I feel like its a lifeline. c. Multiple stakeholders expect organizations to engage in socially responsible actions. Power distance refers to the distribution of influence within a culture. People in cultures with low uncertainty avoidance: d. managers and employees see one another as fundamentally different kinds of people, c. managers are given authority only if they have expertise, _____ is the degree to which a culture tolerates ambiguity. Sexual coercion a. have low uncertainty avoidance. All Rights Reserved. d. They struggle to integrate into a cohesive group. c. The aging workforce may decrease intergenerational contact at work. April Layton, an architect, opened an office on June 1, 2012. (0), Article by Michel Lander based on his latest publication, ", Why Companies Need to Pay Attention to Their Legitimacy, Career Resilience, Your Hidden Asset for Professional Success, Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj (education Track - Doha Campus). Some examples of applications can be: The profesor can first show the images to the students and make them talk about what they see in the images. c. are more satisfied with their jobs Our results are important, particularly for multinational enterprises. Power deck c. It aids marketing efforts. File:Titian - Venus with a Mirror - Google Art Project.jpg. It leads to lack of cohesiveness. b. a powerful influence on corporate America. A very weak relationship between domain-relevant knowledge and creativity achievement is found in Sweden, which as a country shows individualism, low power distance, femininity, and low uncertainty avoidance. c. Character theories It enhances organizational flexibility. b.Prejudice relates to the acceptance of the unequal distribution of power, whereas discrimination relates to the tolerance of ambiguity and uncertainty. 1. It improves cohesiveness. How Culture Influences Creativity Across Countries, How creativity has been understood so far, and what we can add, Domain-relevant knowledge is important to achieve creativity in the cultures characterized by collectivism, power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance, Creative-relevant skills are important to achieve creativity in the cultures characterized by individualism, low power distance, masculinity, and low uncertainty avoidance. This resource is basically an activity to help students understand what is gender, what is femininity, what is masculinity, and representations of them. Which of the following is true in societies with low power distance? Which of the following statements is true of people in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance? b. must disregard customs and traditions. It is evident that Martha belongs to a culture that is characterized by _____. false Correct. False, In corporations that shatter the glass ceiling, upper managers demonstrate support for the advancement of women. b. b. Being from a masculine culture, Jane might describe their system as boosting productivity and making collaboration more efficient. What women share, in this perspective, provides a basis for "sisterhood," or unity . It decreases intergenerational contact at work. False, The glass ceiling is the degree to which a culture tolerates ambiguity and uncertainty. a. False, In cultures characterized by traditional femininity, assertiveness and materialism are valued. Masculine and feminine cultures have different characteristics and distinct communication styles. They seek to fit harmoniously within a group. c. They incorporate systems to identify men with high potential for advancement. Achievement is admired. Butler's research uses critical-race and transnational feminist critique to understand popular and public cultures in the United States. Construction of masculinity in India has been approached and studied from a variety of feminist perspectives. c. an illustration of distributive justice. See2-2:CulturalDifferencesandWork-. They are inclined to take risks. Power distance d. they are the underutilized talents of the workforce. Procedural justice concerns: It completely compliments the entire room as an accent chair perfectly. Their participation rate, as for men, has declined since 1999. 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