The salvation of unreached people throughout history. Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Scripture: I dont want to lead us astray ). Do you send women to your articles as a response? Go beyond putting ourselves first. We treat God's written word with reverence, accepting it as complete and adequate, and refuse to alter it in any way (II Timothy 3:16,17). read more, Scripture: Oops! Finally, you summed up your blog post on why Christian women shouldnt follow, support or receive teaching from Priscilla Shirer because she teaches men (though I cant find evidence of this but Im still lookin! Verse 13. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Hummm. And because of those issues, I deeply regret that I am not able to recommend her as I would like to. God speaks to us and teaches us through the careful study and preaching of His word, not through subjective voices, feelings, and experiences in the rhythms of everyday living (what, precisely, does that phrase even mean?) No-one is beyond compassion. Id be interested, too! And this faith is . Lots of information about those online and at and Berean Research. What we believe about God must come from Scripture alone. If your ladies need a doctrinally sound Bible study in the future, theyre welcome to use anything under the Bible studies tab at the top of this page. But growth to spiritual maturity through the study of Gods word and faithful obedience to Him isnt what Priscilla is offering through this study. They both willingly, and without reservation, preach to co-ed groups all the time. I am a born again Christian. Going Beyond the Bible by Colin Morris. NOW, I have to preface this with this was MANY years ago. The original promo video I used for this article has been deleted, {so I replaced it with the one above}, but in the original video, Priscilla goes on to say) Thats one in a million. Certainly. One example that best showcases Priscillas penchant for eisegesis and poor hermeneutics can be found in this promotional video for her study,One in a Million: 0:46-This same God was supposed to be speaking to me, teaching to me, making Himself relevant to mein the regular rhythms of my everyday living. YLT, NASB, ASV, AM, LEB, WEB. I also have a few tape recording of her Bible Studies that were done either in her Sunday School or her Tuesday Bible Study Meetings where she actually dismisses men from the room when she was at a church in Houston. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. #4b believers from different denominations Priscilla references who rattled her theological box may have been part of Priscillas initial exposure to false Word of Faith teaching and false teachers such as the aforementioned Meyer, Caine and Osteens. Since you havent had a chance to question Priscilla about what she was talking about here (or maybe it was revealed in this Bible study? In Matthew 18:15-18, It carefully lays out a process of correcting fellow Christians that have sinned. Not from Scripture. Did anything frighten you this morning? What is certain is that Paul, in saying, "do not go beyond what is written," was not teaching sola scriptura. As far as Priscilla, I am unsure of this. And His promises will never let you down or disappoint you. A sermon examining the fact that we should ever be amazed by Jesus. Notice the emphasis around the 1:37 mark on peoples personal experiences (praying for miracles, etc.) If you dont trust the evidence Ive presented here, I encourage you to do your own research. Day and night they go around her upon her walls, And iniquity and mischief are in her midst. Being a person of great influence and wealth, he had demanded that he be given a place in the group because he wanted to "perform" before Yes, its a big deal and, yes, I will continue to teach and write about it. Looking back over my copy of He Speaks to Me,and sifting through numerous videos of her teaching, its clearthat her method of teaching is mainly eisegesis. Or will we apply extra effort and go beyond our duty? Jakes daughter), Priscilla Shirers promo page at Hillsong, Priscilla Shirer, featured speaker at Hillsongs 2016 Colour ConferencewithBrian Houston, Bobbie Houston, andChristine Caine. Thank you, Michelle! Youre more than welcome to join the study if youd like. Moving Beyond the Motions I KNOW this original post is over a year old. Watch videos of Shirer speaking, listen to her sermons, read her books, and compare them all with what Scripture says. As an absolute newcomer to the blogosphere, I very much appreciate you taking the time to construct a Biblically based critique of false teaching. And to top that all off, shes beautiful and sharp as a tack. Real hope is only found in the true Christ of Scripture, and thats not what Beth and Priscilla teach. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. No, I have not confronted Priscilla Shirer about her sin (and thank you for realizing that what shes doing is, in fact, sin). People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? Why would the Bible give us both descriptive and prescriptive instruction to warn against false teaching if doing so is a sin (gossip)? And, sometimes, basic is enough. #1 You have noted that Priscilla preaches to and instructs men in the Scriptures but I cant find the link. 1 Corinthians 4:6 says: Is there some connection between this article on Priscilla Shirer and Israel that Im missing? 2. , an unbiblical practice sometimes called narcissistic. God knew what He was doing. Scripture is very clear that people like Priscilla Shirer who teach false doctrine confuse and stir up evil among believers: I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. Pentecostal. I attended a conference with Beth Moore, whom I know you have accused also of teaching and preaching to men. Stories such as these are easily remembered, the characters bold, and the symbolism rich in meaning. Although that interpretation of the text is a possibility, being consistent with the rest of Scripture, it is by no means certain. Now to Him who, in exercise of His power that is at work within us, is able to do infinitely beyond all our highest prayers or thoughts-- World English Bible Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, Young's Literal Translation If you dont sync with their teaching, dont follow them. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. She has been doing so for years. Ive heard her recommend Christian women to go to a quiet place to pray. Let me tell you something, if your church recommended War Room, you can almost be certain that its leadership knew next to nothing about Shirer. There's more to my answer than you might think. Please see the links to our EXTRA Bible Study notes at the bottom of the page. I felt the Lord provided it at the very time I needed it. If false teachers and their followers would simply repent and believe and obey Scripture, there would be no more division in the Body. But believers are to grow to maturity in their relationship with Christ and their knowlege of His word. With all that said, I do not say any of this out of ill intent, anger, or anything along those lines, I simply wanted to clarify, and say, that I agree with Michelles exegesis of (Matthew. The MEGA Live Event July 23rd, 2021 Tulips & Honey. Next, youre not going to see an article like this from TGC or Challies. on that if youre interested. I have to admit that I do not know the entire Biblical passage on this, but in my mind, if there is a WOMENS Conference, and books written for women, and Bible Studies written for women, all of them are geared to women, they cant really help men being in attendance of their own perogative, but any time I have been to a conference where these women spoke and I looked across an entire arena of seats, very very few of them were occupied by men. Wolters begins with the shrewd observation that the four authors understand what moving beyond the Bible to theology means in at least four overlapping but distinguishable ways: (1) bringing the authority of Scripture to bear on issues that Scripture itself does not directly address (e.g., in contemporary bioethics); (2) dealing with ethically . You know, your making this comment right now is very interesting timing. But books and blogs written for women are not what 1 Timothy 2:12 refers to, and its not the same as willingly allowing men to attend (which is something Beth and Priscilla both do) an event where a woman, in an authoritative position, is teaching Gods word to believers, or accepting speaking engagements that are open to men. Where does the Bible teach this? Lastly, although you are not directly in front of Travis Arnett, Saikowoods, Taylor Dunn & Seth Dunn, all of which are men who have posted here They are Reading & commenting on your comments and blog, thus you are teaching men. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. It would definitely be interesting to hear his perspective.. I have provided you video and audio evidence that Priscilla Shirer has done exactly that, and continues to do so unrepentantly. Kay Arthur, Beth Moore, and Priscilla Shirer Believe In Teaching Men Tooat Surphs Side. Weve got to act on what the Bible says, not our own opinions. Glad to know i am not the only dude that reads this wonderful sisters blog. Astonished Beyond Measure Exegesis is taking a passage of Scripture in context, and leading out of it- teaching what the passage means. #1- Thank you so much for letting me know that link was broken. Yes it is the little people or the less known that are standing against these deceptions and I am so glad that you are and there are many more. Personal experiences can be evidence of the truth of rightly handled and understood Scripture, but not vice versa. Ann Voskamp, Beth Moore, Jen Hatmaker, Jennie Allen, From: Choose What is Right: A Study in Discernment- Lesson 1: Introduction. I have no doubt that others have confronted her about these things. Heres why. It will help you better understand biblical discernment and the fact that Jesus, Paul, John, Jude and others were pretty negative when it came to false teachers, too! It doesnt. I've been reading a book by Francine Rivers lately about an old woman called Leota who loves the Lord and has an amazing impact upon the lives of other people in her life, yet is rejected and hated by her own daughter, Eleanor. The reason I refer people in on line conversations to my articles is so I dont have to regurgitate what Ive already written. It would definitely be interesting to hear his perspective. If you need more information, Id suggest,,,, and It will be called the good shepherd calls. (Oh my goodness~ thank you for using the term hermeneutics, eisegesis and exegesis! (Edited to add- After I posted this comment, I noticed your comment was addressed to Seth Dunn, not to me. ROger Oakland of understanding the times and a few good men, are putting together a web site. Here they are promoting silence. Dear Michelle, There are two sources for fear: when we are caught up in something we did not count on, and when we are not in control. Are they preaching from a church pulpit on a Sunday morning as a pastor would? #4a I see where you noted that Priscilla uses poor hermeneutics when handling Gods word. to me she lacks conviction of the word I dont hear it; she reminds me of Joel Osteen and thats not a compliment. If you wouldnt follow a male pastor or Bible teacher who was open and unrepentant about committing adultery or shoplifting or getting plowed every weekend, why would you follow any female Bible teacher who preaches to and instructs men? FOCAL POINT: TO IDENTIFY THREE DANGERS BELIEVERS MUST AVOID. THIS LETTER WAS WRITTEN TO AN ANONYMOUS CHRISTIAN WOMAN WHO APPEARS TO OPEN HER HOME TO BELIEVERS FOR WORSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP. Was Jesus gossiping in Matthew 16:6, 11,12 when He said, Beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? The true bride will always go beyond the minimal requirements. Still, knowing his perspective and the fact that hes her father doesnt change the fact that what Priscilla Shirer is doing is wrong. Luke 9:1-10:20, Denomination: unbiblical) meditation. My point to your previous reply to me is that I refer to my bible for instructions from the Holy Spirit as to my role in the body of Christ.. Hillsong and Steven Furticks Elevation Church are two huge red flags on her itinerary. Hi Osa- Not off the top of my head. Verse Concepts. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. I would love for you to hang out with us here at the blog and/or on social media (links at the top of this page). One thats not a promotional tape? Your sermon reminded me about Peace of God and Love This is a very good reason not to sit under their teaching. No where did she usurp authority etc. There are Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer - The Mercy of Our Great God (March 24, 2017) Priscilla preaches the Sunday sermon at Celebration Church (co-"pastored" by a woman) Priscilla Shirer: YOUR Spiritual Battle & the Armor of God (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN (May 21, 2021) Priscilla preaching to a co-ed audience at Passion 2018 Unfortunately, they depend on LifeWay to deliver sound material. read more, Scripture: Id encourage you not to take my word for it, but to examine the evidence against Scripture (in context, of course) for yourself. My wife is grateful because of the resources, and because of what she said is best described as like mindedness,(She is sitting beside me by the way!) Just got home form a conference defending the faith. Here are my 2.1. As far as Priscilla, I am unsure of this. Wow! It means to trust that the Bible has all the answers and truths we need to live a holy and pleasing life before Godwe don't need anything beyond what God has provided for us in His Word (see 2 Peter 1:3 ). This is a two part lesson as we consider are we going along que sera, sera? This article really turned me off on her. Our faith is rock solid if we have placed it in Godthe unchanging, perfect, eternal, sovereign One. There CAN be women from different denominations there, what is so wrong with that? Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Like The Gospel Coalition, CARM, Tim Challies, etc?) Heres more info. But you have fired a shot across the bow and Im hoping that you will have the courage to further clarify your stand against a sister. What Priscilla and so many others do is pretty much the opposite of a parable. The problem at the Colossian church (the reason Paul wrote this epistle to them) was that false doctrine was starting to creep in. You should bring these points about Shirer up to your pastor if her studies are being pushed in your church. They teach a false hope that will eventually let you down and disappoint you. All you need to say is simply 'Yes' or 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. You do not want to get rid of fear entirely. and Serita Jakes (see below). such as man can bear. I am more of an egalitarian, but Shirer rubs me the wrong way too. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart . Romans 8:24 For we It was an immediate NO after I listened to less than 1 minute of her reference about Oprah. ), The Treasure You Already Are | Priscilla Shirer | [at Joyce Meyers] Love Life Womens Conference 2013, Priscilla Shirer Talks Women and the Church, Moving From the Pew to the Pavement and Why Christine Caine Is at the Top of Her List at the Christian Post, Priscilla Shirer recommends Joyce Meyer, Ann Voskamp, Beth Moore, Jen Hatmaker, Jennie Allen, etc., Bible studies on her blog at Going Beyond, Priscilla Shirer speaks at Joyce Meyers womens conference alongside false teachers Joyce Meyer, Lisa Harper, and Sarah Jakes Roberts (T.D. Id also like to recommend my article thats linked at the very top of this page: Answering the Opposition. The word astonished means to be struck with amazement. Love Your Life 2018 (March 20, 2019) with Victoria Osteen and Terri Savelle Foy, Know Your God | Joyce Meyer and Priscilla Shirer (In this clip, Priscilla also gushes over Henry Blackaby who mishandles Scripture and teaches a form of mysticism. As you can see, she has warm words of praise and admiration for Serita Jakes (T.D.s wife). read more, Scripture: It is about sin in the local congregation where you actually know the person personally and have access to him/her. 2 Timothy 4:5 Verse Concepts *It's always a good idea to look back over life and think about the people who have made a difference: People who helped us in a time of need. It is a sad irony that Priscilla Shirer opted to name her ministry Going Beyond, because this is exactly what she is choosing to do right now. Tools. Heres why: 1. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts. If you're new or would like to comment, please see the "Welcome- Start Here" tab at the top of this page. There is only ONE requirement for salvation, and that is accepting that Jesus Christs blood took the place of our sin, recognize our sin and confess it, believe that Jesus is Gods son. *People who blessed us. Matthew 18 does not apply to public false teaching. 4. Two of the three best known sources Ive listed, Justin Peters and Aimee Byrd, are Reformed. Defining moments, we all have them. read more, Scripture: Yes, thats basically the requirement for salvation, but Christians are required to obey ALL of Gods instructions, including the ones about not joining with people who call themselves Christians yet hold to teachings and beliefs that conflict with Scripture. If you believe women shouldnt work, this includes you. INTRODUCTION There is no way to be saved by putting your faith in a false christ. Could you please provide me with a link to an article or video where she says that so I can check it out? 2 John 1:1-11. I am asking the following question to understand your doctrinal views. Reblogged this on Eternally Secured and commented: I think I dont think I feel If youre a Christian, what you think, feel, believe, say, and do is supposed to be governed by Scripture. read more, Scripture: Mark 7:31-37 It states our purpose to do only those things which are authorized by the Scripture. If thats not you, no need to read further, and I apologize in for any offense. She sounds really nice and charismatic and thats about it but my spirit doesnt bear witness with her. Genesis 24 King James Version (KJV) One of them went up to him and told him. Or and be .. By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Thanks for stopping by! They needed to be reminded of who the true Christ of Scripture was. The Bible says dont do X, Beth Moore does X. Thats breaking Gods command, which is sin. I dont know half of your theological terminology, but I do know that I love Jesus and Im going to heaven, so Im just fine with that. 2 Kings 5:1-15. Ohmygoodness!!!! I cant but take this article with only a grain of salt. on her, one of them probably will. How can you trust that anything else she teaches you about the Bible is accurate and true? People who are genuinely born again have a hunger and thirst for studying the truth of Gods word and growing in Christ. There is only ONE requirement for salvation, and that is accepting that Jesus Christs blood took the place of our sin, recognize our sin and confess it, believe that Jesus is Gods son. Are they guiding and leading a flock (a church)? - Femina Sola Gratia Is she a false teacher? And the Bible says that women are not to preach to or instruct men, or to hold authority over men in the gathered body of Believers, the church. There are two ways in which living in Christ helps us live beyond our fears: knowing that He is completely trustworthy, and doing as He calls us to do. Jesus did that too, so did Samuel, so did Elijah . Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Lastly, although you are not directly in front of Travis Arnett, Saikowoods, Taylor Dunn & Seth Dunn, all of which are men who have posted here They are Reading & commenting on your comments and blog, thus you are teaching men. Im sorry, Im a little unclear. No, Im not violating Scripture by teaching men when they read or comment on my blog. Introduction Before I address some of your specific concerns, two things: First, thank you for the kind and civil tone of your comment. It would stand to reason that all those that have never heard of Christ have not accepted Him and therefore, as Rom 1 details, they die in their sin. where those who recognize the deception and want to speak up, will have a place to go. This title is taken directly from the text; verse 37 tells us that the people were astonished beyond measure. Jeremiah 24:7. ), but 2 Corinthians 6:14ff and 2 John 9-11, among other passages, are very clear that we are not to partner with those who teach false doctrine, which Catholicism, Word of Faith, and many other churches do. We shouldnt believe just whatever we see on the internet. Though there are others, these are the major doctrinal errors in this video, which is less than four minutes of teaching from Priscilla. Ill let you know how we continue our course of action. The law in this case, being Scripture. I wont be publishing comments or answering emails that are answered by this article. If so, then she is well aware of what the Bible says about these issues. Otherwise, it appears this is a form of gossip.. Sometimes the Bible can be difficult because it steps on our toes, but I promise, I will always point you Scripture, not to stories, fluff, false doctrine, or your own opinions, feelings, and experiences. My heart longs for you to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ by learning the truth of His word. For example, the Bible clearly says that women are not to preach to or teach men in the church (2 Timothy 2:12). Pastor if her studies are being pushed in your church her walls, and I in... Femina Sola Gratia is she a false teacher not to sit under their teaching preach to co-ed groups all Jews... Of my head put a new spirit within you ; I will remove your heart you to do only things..., eisegesis and Exegesis hope is only found in the true Christ of Scripture and! Would definitely be interesting to hear His perspective reservation, preach to co-ed all. Father doesnt change the fact that hes her father doesnt change the fact that what Priscilla offering. 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