Finally, a number of prominent global financial regulators including the SEC, the UK Financial Conduct Authority, the European Commission, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), the Japanese Financial Services Authority, the Sustainability Standards Board of Japan Preparation Committee and the Chinese Ministry of Finance have agreed to join a working group focused on compatibility between the ISSBs standards and new regulations. If companies increase their own bottom line by emitting extra carbon, by refusing to share technology that will slow the pandemic, or by contributing to inequality, the financial benefits earned for their individual companies may be dwarfed by comparison to the costs the economy bears. It explains the approaches of the GRI Standards ( impact materiality), the IFRS' International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) ( financial materiality) and the incoming European Sustainability Reporting Standards ( double materiality), and how they interconnect. Double materiality. CSRD explicitly requires double-materiality reporting and so vastly expands the scope of disclosure from considering only sustainability risks that companies face (i.e. The CSRD takes a more comprehensive approach than the ISSB, adopting what it calls a "double materiality perspective". Double materiality is the union (in mathematical terms, i.e. The recommendations of both the ISSB and the TCFD fall into four broad pillars governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets corresponding to how the disclosing company approaches these four practices in the context of a given sustainability topic. But double materiality adds inside-out information, namely, information relevant to the companys impacts on society and the environment. As with many new developments in reporting, companies will need to work out how to provide the right amount of information to the right stakeholders without overwhelming them with hundreds of pages of additional reporting. The ISSB documentation does not addressor even acknowledgethe possibility of providing beta or non-financial investor information. Take the comment letter from David Russell, the UK Universities Superannuation Schemes head of responsible investment. EFRAGs proposed standard only asks that companies break the shackles of certainty and short-term thinking to report on the things that they are likely already or should be factoring into their business planning anyway. Key focus areas include the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, Materiality, and Carbon management. Double materiality is an extension of the key accounting concept of materiality of financial information. Consequently, an enterprise value materiality assessment would take into account a companys effect on the outside world to the extent that the market has knowledge of the issue and, therefore, prices it into the debt and equity securities of the company. A consultation paper on the SDR is expected in the second quarter of 2022.. Companies need to articulate the value drivers for their business to see if they and their stakeholders are on the same page. The ISSB is the product of agreement among a critical mass of relevant industry participants to develop a uniform standard for disclosure of social and environmental impact. The EU can then "top up" these standards with those covering double materiality. Sustainable investing. "The focus should be on double materiality and not on enterprise value," the HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme said in its submission to the ISSB. > ISSB 2023 . Tony Moller provided valuable research and drafting assistance in support of this Alert. The dream of stakeholder capitalism cannot align individual company financial interests with the interests of society. Furthermore, the ISSB recommends that entities rely on industry-specific guidance for certain disclosures in addition to industry-agnostic general reporting guidance. Sustainability-related financial information is material if omitting, misstating or obscuring that information could reasonably be expected to influence decisions that the primary users of general purpose financial reports make on the basis of those reports. Shortly after the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) tentatively confirmed that companies using its climate-reporting standard must disclose their Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, board chair Emmanuel Faber took to Twitter, making the bold claim that the board was rewriting economics. All Climate Climate Risk CSRD Disclosure Disclosures Double Materiality Emissions ESG Management ESG Ratings ESG Strategy ESRS EU Financing Green Finance How To InsightsEN ISSB Materiality Net Zero Regulation Reporting Reporting Standards Risk Scope 3 Emissions Social Standards Sustainable Finance Taxonomy Uncategorized . Their primary obligation is to protect the financial interests of their beneficiaries and clients by protecting and growing their investment portfolios. Steering clear of this risk is likely to require, at most, minor adjustments in methodology; moreover, the initial ISSB documentation, while ambiguous, does not preclude such considerations. The materiality principle chosen in the General Requirements seems to ignore the most important issue on the table without explanation. And if their rate of extraction is causing drought in a local area then in 15 years or fewer they must report this too, since their activities are having a negative impact on the environment. They both support a materiality assessment based on the potential effect on the companys enterprise value. ISSB releases draft definition of 'sustainability' for new reporting framework The decision does not, however, change the ISSB's decision to focus on single materiality as opposed to double materiality. ESRSISSB . At a time when regulation alone seems increasingly inadequate to the task of addressing threats to the environment and our social fabric, an apparent retreat from a market-based solution in a document as influential as the ISSB standards would be a serious setback. Given the real reputational and regulatory risk for companies that rely on externalized costs, those of us focused on beta impacts can do several things with the ISSB process. The following chart sums up the four possible uses of data for which the ISSB might be optimized: As investors have become more cognizant of the importance of corporate impact on society and the environment, disclosure standards proliferated, making it difficult to compare the impact of companies that report on different standards. Information on a company is material and should therefore be disclosed if "a reasonable person would consider it [the information] important", according to the US Securities and Exchange Commission . To make an assessment of materiality, the ISSB recommends that companies consult the industry-specific materiality factors outlined by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards, as well as the most up-to-date topic-specific guidance of other standard-setting bodies, such as the Climate Disclosure Standards Boards (CDSB) guidance for water- and biodiversity-related disclosures. As noted above, the GRIs disclosure standards adopt a broad, multi-stakeholder interpretation of materiality. For financial reporting, for example, companies assess materiality from the perspective of one stakeholder group: investors and lenders, the primary users of financial statements. This reflected moral concern with profiting from suffering, rather than the use of investment to address a social issue. Thats why we were created. Excluding beta information from the reporting standard does not reflect evolving recognition of the importance of beta. Similarly, they might be willing to sacrifice portfolio return if it meant a healthier environment in which to enjoy their retirement, or if doing so would relieve others suffering. One example, Becker claims, is the understand of materiality. Disagreement over definitions is just one element of the materiality issue. To the extent such overlap exists, an investor can harmonize the desire for positive social and environmental impact and the desire (or obligation) to optimize financial returns. A group of 86 global CFOs and institutional investors, representing 620bn in assets, criticised the ISSB for not adopting the double materiality approach which would require companies to report on the impact of their activities on the environment regardless of its relevance to enterprise value. By the same token, a proper sesquimateriality standard would elicit the inside-out E/S data that was likely to impact the social and environmental systems that support beta. The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) is analysing feedback to its consultation on two proposed standards and will consider how to respond to stakeholder comments on topics such as enterprise value and materiality, the head of the IFRS Foundation said. In this second article in our series on the sustainability reporting landscape, we aim to illustrate that this division neednt be so deep, or at least neednt derail progress towards achieving globally aligned standards. We then share key takeaways for companies that are beginning or continuing to make sustainability-related disclosures. On March 31, 2022, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), an investor-focused initiative of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, released long-anticipated drafts of its sustainability reporting standards: the General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-Related Financial Information (the General Requirements Standard) and a Climate-Related Disclosures framework (the Climate Standard). Finally, from a rhetorical perspective, it is important that the final documentation of the ISSB standards acknowledge that investors have significant interests in beta impacts. Gulf or gap? Equally, if a sustainability issue might at some point in the short, medium or long term have an effect on a companys activities (even if it is not currently affecting the companys cash flows), then it too must be reported now. But as capital markets matured, investors began to contemplate a more active role, and after a divestment campaign helped end South African apartheid, the idea that investors could change bad corporate behavior, rather than simply avoiding it, developed a broader following. In light of the diversification mandate of Modern Portfolio Theory, and the importance of beta to diversified investors, this anachronistic hyper-focus on enterprise value is troubling. But enterprise value under the ISSB and SECs proposed sustainability standards say that what affects cash flows over the short, medium, and long term should be reported today. The ISSB consultation responses show there is also wide support for the approach within the financial sector. outside-in materiality - or ESG reporting as it is most commonly adopted today), to also disclose the impact of those same companies on society and the environment (i.e . The IFRSs accounting rules issued and maintained by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), on which the ISSB is modeled, have been adopted in over 100 countries, and the IFRS intends to co-develop the two independent sets of standards to ensure their connectivity, compatibility and relevancy to investors. Faber predicts that Europes financial reporting adviser-turned-sustainability-standard-setter will finalise its technical advice to the Commission on sustainability reporting in the next couple of months. In what follows, we'll break down the concepts of "materiality" and "double materiality" and share some key takeaways about their importance to ESG management. - 2023 PwC. We must focus on what unites us in agreement and we cannot afford for minor differences to get in the way of progress. The ISSB documentation expressly rejects double materiality, the standard European regulators embrace, which couples financial materiality with information designed to inform other stakeholder data. Financial materiality means that the activity has an effect on the companys cash flows or enterprise value (consistent with the SEC and ISSB). It is quite different, for example, from the EU's more ambitious 'double materiality' approach in its proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the mandate given to expert body EFRAG to draft detailed reporting standards. The General Requirements propose two possibilities, which correspond to what disclosure specialists call financial materiality and double materiality. The first is disclosure designed for ESG integration. Enterprise value is a global concept and is the market value of a companys shares and the market value of its debt. Considering how each proposed standard might operate provides a window into their practical similarities and calls into question the notion that the materiality definitions of each of the different standard setters are irrevocably different, given the broad nature of what can affect enterprise value. This time pressure leaves the board with little time to explore a draft sustainability-reporting standard drawn up by Prof Richard Murphy from Sheffield University Management School. Continue the context-setting projects for beta-level impacts of E/S issues outside the ISSB process. The General Requirements Standard specifies that potentially material sustainability-related considerations include activities and relationships related to an entitys value chain, which it defines as the full range of activities, resources and relationships related to a reporting entitys business model and the external environment in which it operates.. Encourage the ISSB drafters to move to an express sesquimateriality standard. As a result, businesses and their stakeholders will continue to have limited ability to make truly informed resource allocation decisions. What should be the role of investors when it is governments that have the most power to effect change? The application of 'double materiality' has always been a central theme for GRI since its inception, largely due to the fact that its development is based on a multi-stakeholder approach, in which trade unions and civil society groups hold significant influence. The ISSBs collaboration agreement with GRI further bridges the gap; a no gaps, no overlaps approach gives a holistic picture of sustainability performance on the basis of both impact and enterprise value. In such cases, E/S impact and financial return are integrated, as are disclosures with respect to each. IFRS Advisory Council questions ISSB on future of SASB standards. On 3 November 2021, at COP26, the IFRS Foundation Trustees announced the creation of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). Of course, a company may make the judgment that it can get away with a certain amount of cost externalization, so that corporate managers may make business judgments that financial return can be maximized without optimizing social value. This cost was more than 50 percent of the profits those companies reported. In the alternative double-materiality rubric, financial materiality is referred to as outside-in information, because it addresses how social and environmental matters affect the company. EFRAGs definition of double materiality encompasses an inward element (effects on the company from external sources) and an outward element (effects the company has on externalities). As dynamic materiality makes these relevant to investors, the ISSB can then take over responsibility for the . There have long been investors who shunned sin stocksalcohol, tobacco, and gambling companies, for example. Ruchir Agarwal and Gita Gopinath, A Proposal to End the COVID-19 Pandemic, IMF Staff Discussion Note (May 2021). Confirmation that climate change does not drive sustainability reporting came when the boards chairman, Emmanuel Faber, appeared at the IFRS Foundations World Standard Setters conference in September to rule out any shift to double materiality some call it impact reporting by the ISSB: We will not move. While there are some obvious areas of agreement across the three sustainability reporting proposals including their overall objectives to provide information about a companys strategy, risks and targets for dealing with sustainability matters, and the need to look out over the short-, medium-, and long-term time horizons there is also deep division. In doing so, it has removed the existing definition of 'enterprise value' and the words 'to assess enterprise value' from the objective and description of materiality in the proposals. "Enterprise value is a backward-looking, lagging indicator," it said, adding that . Before discussing the ISSB and the desirability of a sesquimateriality standard, we review several elements of E/S investing. Global Leader, Public Policy & Regulation, PwC United Kingdom, Director of Investor Engagement, PwC United Kingdom. This site uses cookies. The ISSBs and SECs definitions of materiality are not far off from this. Posted by Frederick Alexander (The Shareholder Commons), on, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, on One Small Step From Financial Materiality to Sesquimateriality: A Critical Conceptual Leap for the ISSB, Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value, Reconciling Fiduciary Duty and Social Conscience: The Law and Economics of ESG Investing by a Trustee. Please see for further details. The ISSB will accept feedback on its General Requirements and Climate Standards until July 29, 2022, and will incorporate the comments it receives into its final sustainability reporting standards, expected by the end of 2022. Interest 61 (1971). Companies will finally have clear instructions on how to report on their sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities, and investors and other stakeholders will be able to better track progress, compare performance, and hold companies to account. Such investors might prefer that companies in their portfolios make less money, i.e., that beta be reduced, if it were to lead to better employment opportunities. Dig down to paragraph 85 of Agenda Paper 3B/4B from the ISSBs September meeting, and youll learn that the board will publish IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 as early as possible in 2023. The US Securities and Exchange Commission is also beavering away on its own climate-reporting proposals. Secondly, enterprise value, by definition, takes a market view and has a long-term perspective. There are some other areas that need ironing out too before standard setters finish their work. The planned agenda consultation has also been pushed back into next year. Additionally, what is material and who is a stakeholder will likely change based on country and culture so evaluation of impact and consideration of materiality will require sifting, analysis, and assessing tradeoffs. At a conceptual level, the General Requirements Standard attempts to unite multiple overlapping approaches to sustainability disclosure. Influential investors such as BlackRock have previously encouraged companies to voluntarily disclose in line with both TCFD and SASB, and companies that have already developed such procedures for sustainability reporting will find it easier to adapt to the ISSBs framework. Swiss Re Institute, The Economics of Climate Change: No Action Not an Option (April 2021). The Schroders Report calculated that one third of all listed companies around the world created net social costs that exceeded their profits. This includes activities that relate to other organisations in the value chain or in the sector if they could have potential consequences for the company itself. 2017 Climate change is an emergency that requires all hands on deck. Adding beta information to the ISSB reporting standard would not significantly enlarge the reporting requirement because any company conduct that threatens or benefits beta is likely to create corresponding regulatory and reputational risks and benefits to enterprise value, so that most beta information should be deemed material even under a putative ESG standard. ISSBs Proposed Framework Seeks to Unify Global Sustainability Disclosure Standards, Private Equity International Responsible Investment Forum, Kirkland Advises Greenbriar Equity Group on $3.475 Billion Fundraise for Oversubscribed Sixth Fund, Kirkland Advises Patient Square Capital on Record $3.9 Billion Inaugural Fundraise, General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-Related Financial Information, European Sustainability Reporting Standards. Double materiality should be included in global standards, says ESMA The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has called on the global financial standards body to capture climate and environmental impacts in its forthcoming sustainability standards. At a time when regulation alone seems increasingly inadequate to the task of addressing threats to the environment and our social fabric, an apparent retreat from a constructive market reform in a document as influential as the ISSB standards would be a serious setback. The ISSB intends to detail baseline requirements that ensure companies provide investors with a complete set of disclosures on sustainability risks and opportunities that could affect enterprise value, in order to complement the information provided in financial statements. ESG metrics will typically say something like, companies in X industry often hire low-wage workers in countries with poor regulatory schemes; this can expose them to reputational risk and cost increases over the long term and perhaps increased regulation and enforcement or fuel prices are subject to rapid change and efficiency measures can limit future costs. Accordingly, the disclosure line items will require the company to describe the programs and standards in place to assure workers are not being abused, its record in meeting such standards and relevant legal requirements, its plans to reduce fuel use, etc. The compliance burden for companies will be high but for investors with multiple companies to monitor, the information burden will be even higher. ISSB to include GRI and ESRS in IFRS S1 sources of guidance; . In practice, although worded differently (from each other and from EFRAG), they all could be expected largely to result in the same assessments of whats material from an investor perspective that is, factoring in what might lead to changes in future business activities and taking a long-term view. A new report from the law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (the Freshfields Report) explains how externalized costs affect investment trustees fiduciary duties: System-wide risks are the sort of risks that cannot be mitigated simply by diversifying the investments in a portfolio. The ISSB standard could be of more limited value for certain jurisdictions. Putting businesses on the path to a low carbon economy will require access to funding throughout the transition. PRI, an investor initiative whose members have $121 trillion in assets under management, recognizes this need. As the process of sustainability reporting moves from voluntary to mandatory, companies with mature sustainability disclosure programs are likely to be well positioned to meet the evolving demands of stakeholders and regulators. The decision to leverage two well-established and tried and tested frameworks means less of a learning curve for corporates and investors. The net result for the [diversified] investor can be negative when the costs across the rest of the portfolio (or market/economy) outweigh the gains to the company; A company or sector securing regulation that favours its interests over others. union of two sets, not intersection) of impact materiality Taking a market view adds an element of objectivity to the materiality assessment. Notably, the ISSBs disclosure regime is predicated on an assessment of financial materiality. Though there are aspects of ISSBe.g. One such force is the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), which sees the establishment of the ISSB and its shiny new climate-disclosure standard as key pillars of its overall sustainable-finance strategy. And, in practice, a small one at that. The distance between the emerging definitions of materiality in sustainability reporting is smaller than you think and heres why it shouldnt prevent progress towards global alignment. Nevertheless, portfolio theorys prescription of diversification certainly suggests that widely held entities should give strong consideration to diversified investors interests. All of this will edge companies closer towards a materiality assessment based on both the companys impact on the world around it as well as the potential effect on its enterprise value; in other words, and for all practical purposes, applying a double materiality concept. On its face, the exclusive choice of enterprise value as the measuring stick for materiality means the standards will only be useful for investors who want to use environmental and social data to determine how a particular company will perform financially, in order to decide whether to buy or sell it, or perhaps to use their shareholder rights to push the company to change its practices to improve future cash flows. For example, if climate change stays on the current trajectory, rather than aligning with the Paris Accords, GDP could be 10 percent less in 2050. In other words, an enterprise cannot be accurately valued without information concerning the threats it poses or benefits it promises to beta. The Statement of Intent to Work Together Towards Comprehensive Corporate Reporting co-authored by five important standard setting organizations, was a 2020 document that was an important step towards the ISSB process; it describes inside-out information as being targeted at: various users with various objectives who want to understand the enterprises positive and negative contributions to sustainable development [in contrast to enterprise value information targeted] [s]pecifically to the sub-set of those users whose primary objective is to improve economic decisions. Their work under management, recognizes this need this need multiple companies to monitor, ISSBs. 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