"Zetas were School of the Americas trainees,no.In another case, U.S. forces are accused of detaining nine villagers, who are still missing. (if there is a message in it somewhere can someone say at what point in the video it is shown?) CDG said in video "No te metas con esa gente" refering to don't get involed with those people (his cartel) Point blank it happened I enjoyed it and I know for a FACT I'm not the only one here. Juana went on to become one of the gang's most feared killers and, after. P.S. Be honest. U and I would do it if we had nothing. Hopefully we have a complete picture and entire message viewable. Just look it at ciudad juarez and toluca. The Nazis probably didn't do this shit. i hope every bastards of those video makers related share the same fate in the end but the knives are to be dull so they are to be death slowly i don't advocate the victims but they are also the same humanity with us Even any animal doesn't kill other such like that in vain meaningless Humanity is the only animal whose cruelty is especially grotesque!! We need to come together and care about one another. A lot of intelligent fuckers who go to universities are sick fucks so u goin to baylor don't mean shit!!! February 25, 2013 at 7:47 PM "I believe the zetas in this vid are comandante viernes and his man he controls this area they mentioned he was captured 2 days agobut"Dude speak some on that?They are Z in the video doing the killing to CDG?Some were saying it CDG killing Z?You know better than i bro,are they cutting his fingers off because he is a finger(snitch)? There's something seriously wrong with our world. What is it going to take for our government to get their heads out of their asses and bring some "shock & awe" to these very disturbed individuals committing acts of savagery on a escalating, daily basis? for all of u who wake up to be entertained by this bullsht fuck u this real n shouldnt be looked up for entertainment. He tells them that they are free to go but the husband (or bf, cant remember well) needs to stay. Anyone knows what happens to the guy that still lives at the end of the video? brazil I'd like to see me reply to Mexican protests on international media. Perhaps e40 and his boys? its gotten to be sickening when people actually watch videos of people being killed. videos like these should not be seen i feel sorry for them they should give them a bullet to the head and thats that done but cutting his head come on that is very wrong in the end the drug war is not winnable nither in the usa we have fighting drugs for over 50 years and nothing has changed what we should do is legize all drugs popele have the right to put what they want in there bodies. Two hitmen from Los Zetas Cartel in Mexico crossed into Texas to carry out a home invasion turned execution, authorities revealed. Los Zetas' and Gulf Cartel's areas of influence, Oct 2013 . The book "The Rape of Nanking" by Iris Chang is the chronicle of the Japanese atrocities on Chinese innocents and what the Japenese did parallels Mexico, Central, and South America today. @2:18pm dude.too much pain and screaming i guess. They are known for engaging in brutally violent "shock and awe" tactics such as beheadings, torture, and indiscriminate murder.While primarily concerned with drug trafficking, the organization also runs profitable sex and gun rackets. Shocking video shows Mexican cartel members lined up on their knees and taunted, moments before they are executed by a rival gang. His expression says it all. Los Zetas operates in 17 states, while Sinaloa operates in 16 states. This is a systematic plan to eradicate our 1st amendment right to "Freedom of Speech. These people feel the same fear and pain as we do. Forty been.keeping to low profile lately. Breitbart Texas has consulted with relatives and friends of the Garcia family who said the Texas family had traveled to Ciudad Victoria with the children for the summer vacation. Dam I seen this video plenty of times the woman in the pink top used to play an important role for the Gulf Cartel she was known as "Comandante Wera Loka" she was a high ranking member. These types of atrocities allways happen in war but what's happening in Mexico isn't war it's just murder. i chose to read but will not tamper on the right of others to choose for themselves even though some choose strictly for nefarious reasons. This is the worst thing ive ever seen. beheaded They don't even see the profits. Give me a fuckin' break!! Whilst El Menchos bodyguards clashed with the army, he managed to escape. Personally, I work hard so that I can play hard. These Narco vids have proven nothing! LOS ZETAS are so far from being done like i said before lazca is not dead it not possible that after his death there target of rivals plaza bosses are being executed with such and ease why cant cds or cdg kill zeta bosses or caf bosses or beltran bosses well i guess don arturo que en paz descanse does anyone see what im seeing zetas are just getting stronger keep in mind im not a zeta cheerleader i live in tijuana baja norte but zetas are a very smart and dangerous organization. Just wanted to report there is a mobilization in several points of Reynosa. February 28, 2013 at 4:11 PM "This "sad whining motherfuckers" EXACTLY describes YOU"I promise i will try and find your nuts,,oh,and your sack. Let's party AND TAKE ANOTHER HEAD OFF!". Just so all of you readers know. Narcocorrido band Grupo Arriesgado forced out of Tijuana for singing about CJNG. PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! 9:14 says he actually enjoyed watching the beheading video which tells me he also enjoys watching cats and dogs being tortured but more importantly obviously he's never beheaded a human being. !, Borderland Beat will post ANYTHING FOR US AND WE LUV PUBLICITY!! I wonder what the Zeta would do with that sick little freak who likes to watch these videos? ?maybe make him the star of one?? THAT NEED HELP!! The points you made about getting caught up in the homicidal madness of war fit in with certain things concerning "soldiering" through the ages. Didnt anybody watch that. Hookers and drugs have made my life a much more pleasurable one; and not at the expense of taxes & bills. May God have Mercy upon Those who have Died,they are hyprocrites. wowi bet those sick pigz probably kill children with no worries.the reason i say that is becuse i remember playing the game scarface on ps2 a few years back and at the end of the game you kill sosabut before you make tony pull the trigeron sosa. I get so seriously mad. I know what I see and so do the majority of my community! Guzman isn't any better than these sorry excuse for Mexicans. Or u want me to kill pop him first?? Ethnicity doesn't matter. All of these cartel scum are no different than the gang bangers here in the U.S. Drugs can be sold without bloodshed. Sick, demented people kill people like this. fuk em they kill their own family members its the truth. Guy tells the victima sorry brother ill see you in hell too.Thats all I can get thank u guys. Accidentally stumbled, but God, please give peace to those poor soles that had to die so tragically. Very true^^ ,different killings mean different thingsWho ever it was who made that video ,,, shot that guy in the head no doubtThey probably trusted thiss guy and took it personal ,snitches get sliced and diced. After watching it my heart was beating extremely fast, I was shaking, and my eyes had dilated.. You know what I find amusing, if all of us happened to pass on the street, or in a store, or a festival, we would probably say hey, or excuse me, or how`s it going. I think that people enjoy watching these videos is more scary than them happening, I think it's really scary that people actually like watching these execution videos that scares me more than the fact that the videos are out there I think I could actually do whatit they're doing but I don't wanna watch. Enemies: Zetas, Sinaloa Cartel, Tijuana Cartel The Gulf Cartel is one of the oldest and most powerful of Mexico's cartels, but it's lost a lot of ground in recent years to the Zetas, who were . If you can't feel SICK to your stomach after watching men screaming as their heads are carved off then you my friend have no soul. or a mother searching for a child every waking moment never to see them again !! Before they left, one of Barbie's men told the wife, "Your husband said to tell you that he loves you." CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tamaulipas Gunmen with the Los Zetas cartel butchered close to 20 victims over the weekend, three of those victims were Texas residents who had been visiting relatives. Exactly! That was the name of the guy in the first vid? I will admit at the time I was OK with it but after I had a few days to think about it; I was disgusted with myself as well as my buddies. Look wat these assholes did to mexico. I'm a woman and I barely swear but these guys act like they are so tough. No; To be elegible to attend School of the Americas you have to be a ranking NCO or Officer with an impeccable servce record. i wonder if the mexican govt. The person complaining needs to skip narco blogs and go back on medication and subscribing to the LA times.don't apologize to anyone especially a person that can't see beyond what their eyes present. if you are barking up the tree that mexico is somehow more far along than the u.s in some way i dont get it? That's why I wont watch, i already know the outcome. Fuck those bastards. The enforcers were based around a core group of rogue Mexican army commandos, formerly with. BTWI am not so sure this is the work of CDG..could be but others are saying the message warns this is an example of the fate of those against zetas. Breitbart Texas Cartel Chroniclesare published in both English and in their originalSpanish. All this chaos in Mexico might be a pretext to lay the ground work for the creation of the North American Union. Shortly after the brutal execution, the CDN faction of the Los Zetas struck once more. God will take care of all you who are doing this. Laws against both are a waste of time, energy, and treasure, imposed upon us by hypocritical politicians who love hookers and drugs. Been following this "new war" (see article Beyond Madness: Violence in Mexico) since 2009, and I believe it is important to follow it. The video opens to a scene with eight sicarios dressed in One of the women answers that her brother-in-law is with the Gulf Cartel. U sick little bitch who enjoys watching these type of videos! So much pain, hurt, helplessness, death on the other hand, so much inhumanity and aggression. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. What the bloody fuck would the center guy think during all this shit ? This is such fucking bullshit. ; violence being an all too familiar commonality.Thomas Jefferson once said that we are obligated as good citizens to break unjust laws. Actually no, I attent BU (Baylor University) just incase you don't know universities. Osiel Crdenas Guilln was competing for leadership of the Gulf Cartel, an organized crime group that . These are fucking savages. Oh shit hes comin after me now.I will recognize him by his bulging eyes,quivering big lip,and a hump on his back,they say he sprays you when he talks?Big lip. They are surrounded by 13 masked men, apparently Los Zetas hitmen, who point their rifles at them. The next morning, Barbie's men, whom he taught to be merciful to women, gave the little girl a bowl of cereal with a banana and let her swim in the pool out back. This people will be punished by God with eternal deathThey are unforgiven for so much cruelty, all the people that enjoy watching this shit will burn in hell,someday y'all be dying too motherfuckers, why do we allow this to happen look over seas this happend and we shut the place down mexico is only a line away and we sit back and watch this idc what they did tooth for tooth i dont agree with it but are you sure that the ppl they killed didnt kill in the same manner in all we just need to shut down mexico send in the marines and let god and them fix it we need this to stop i mean women and kids really i know first had of all the bs in mexico and do no think any one person should live like that all i can say is i pray that god has mercy on u bc i dont and i hope as one said he knows he is going to hell well better you then me but if i ran into you knowing what u did to ppl me and you would have a meeting and i would show u what life is bc i work for god and i wont pray with u when i done ,,, may god bless everyone even you pos that are killing bc god will take care of u. I believe that no one has the right to take anyone's lie away but God. Welcome Home Bro! No wonder they win because we're supporting them. Chivis, message did not appear in the video. Drugs and money are not going with you when you die so what's the point in all this??? You might not view it like this but guess what? have a good day. Their enemies, the Gulf Cartel, began moving their own enforcers known as Los Zetas into the city. The Zetas in 1999 began to work for Osiel Crdenas Guilln, recruiting former soldiers to create the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel; eventually begins to recruit members in active service of the 15th Infantry . Snchez Prez, and replied they are with the Gulfo Cartel (CDG). and now Norway where mexicans truly dont belong.. so don't even try to compare america to mexico, shit at least here you dont really have to live in a shiity town with no policehaa haa fuck that shit!!! first off i don't see any narcomensaje (narco-message) in this video at all, and its kinda blurry so if there was one i wouldnt be able to read it. (See Vigilantes Mante. Cartel videos related to the cartel. Im also glad to see empathy on this site, people start to lose their humanity and feelings after seeing this stuff. America has to address this issue with more than just posturing and apathy. I live in san Antonio and this hits home w me. I turned the volume off, as I prefer to SLEEP at nights and not have bad memories. execution It says this is from cdg so you never mess with them, this is so you tell ur friends El terco and the ones u know.Guys tells some one to cut his neck and tells him can you do it?? America's addiction to drugs has created this horrible situation and it is not just cartel members suffering these fates. ! Thank you as well for devoting your time to reporting this drug war in english, there are a lot of spanish websites that talk about this but its good that this one is in english so that people on this side of the border can know what is really going on right next door. all we doing is gloryfying this basterds. I mean, they have Wikileaks founder Julian Assange held captive @ the American embassy in Equador. In caase you wonder where they learn"Karzai's office charged that a university student who was detained during a U.S. operation in Wardak province, southwest of Kabul, was later found with his head and fingers cut off. And it was bad. KILL ALL THE ZETAS. In this ghastly murder, the CDN faction appears to have struck first murdering the relatives of a state police officer and a farmers union leader. Prohibition created Al Capone and Joaqun Guzmn Loera. ?careful BU they see everything! Editors Note: Breitbart Texas traveled to the Mexican States of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Coahuila to recruit citizen journalists willing to risk their lives and expose the cartels silencing their communities. on their plan to combat this madness next door. wtf do these guys even do this for. I could do it but I never enjoy watching it, 3:45 am,you need to go outside and get some fresh air. I hope that everyone of this sick bastards someday shares the same fate but I hope the knife is dull and I hope they die slowly. I am glad that these things are public to allow Americans to see what is going on with our neighbors to the South. Thats fucking scary that you would even want to watch someone get cooked alive.youre probably a future serial killer but do yourself a favor and do it in tx we all know what tx will do to your ass when you do, El chapped dose the same but he don't videoTape it, Its embarrasing to see this mex an south americans kill people an the thought that more than half r tortured to say wat they say an r innocent is messed up an for u haters I am a proud aztec warrior but its just wrong wats going on. As if spix don't off each other? Is this CDG executing a Zeta? Los Zetas is the largest drug cartel in Mexico in terms of scale of operations. one thing we dont hear is how much the mexican goverment is spending on the drug war. I know I would. God will punished someday all sick terrorist bastard murders everywhere! There are so many gods out there to choose from. "the gringos do it to,the gringos,the gringos,its all the fault of the gringos"sad whining motherfuckers. if i had my way ! "And whats your point sad sack? i hate all cartels for what they did to mexico and calderion for making things worse and at the end of his term he leaves mexico a far worse country than it was this war is not winable he is a lieing basatrd that needs to get his head cut off leaves the country to teach in harvard what a joke after his 6 year term many people have died under his term he did not fix anything but made things worse, what can he teach at harvard nothing usefull but deploying millary to combate cartels and no investagtions were made in any of the deaths because his adminstrion called it cartel related, to all deaths thats fucking bull shit i do not think all the deaths are drug related for one sec,they did so they would not spend time and money to do a good investagtion.The real problem in mexico is provity and with that there is always a endless supply of man power to the cartels. Most narcos will be murderd, shot or rot in jail. In 2018 El Mencho and his personal security were involved in a fierce shootout against the Mexican army, El Mencho managed to escape. But nothing compares to this. Mexico is a beautiful place with wonderful people and I honestly believe the cartels have the power to turn Mexico into a great prosperous country again if they work together. Zetas behead and dismember four women from the Gulf Cartel. I cant watch but im interested in the narco war in mexico. "themostinterestingmaninamerica"Dude,i know right from wrong i don't mean to piss you off,im just telling you my truth from inside?Ok,i believe you.I have worked and dealt with violence,it is what it is?I don't mean to piss you off but,you yourself are hurting from all the violence,yet,you carry a Taurus?I use to go to festivals all the time.and your right,it was good man,everyone on the same vibe,but,at the same time,throw alcohol in the mix and see humanity change,good people get all crunk and want to start fighting,people who couldn't hurt a fly if they tried ordinarily.My comment stands,be cool brother,for real. gets embarassed when these things surface. You're no different, you're just another whining lowbrow. Fucking narcos. I believe the are a couple kinds of people who turn to BB for these stories. i wonder why they never film when they cook their enemies alive only decap videos. With Lazcano at the head of Los Zetas, Osiel Guillen in prison, and the Gulf Cartel weakened, Los Zetas entered its second phase of development, one that lasted until January 2010. But man this is definitely one of the worst I've seen. second at just about 00:15 seconds in I'm pretty sure the guy says "de parte del cdg carnal, nunca te metas con ellos" which means "this is from the cdg brother, dont ever get involved with them." I did not believe his family is in fear of him though which was proven when they hired one of the best atty in tx when he was arrested.I should repost that old post. You know I understand the saying "Live by the sword die by the sword." We have a name for people like u in america that enjoy watching this stuff.they are called serial killers.what have people become when they enjoy watching someone get decapitated? deadfemale well. Disgusting. I hope satan handlez this kind of matters personally cuz it be hard to follow a god who would forgive assholes like dis you feel me??? Bloody gross. The women have been identified as Lourdes Gregorio Garcia Amaya from Texas, Raymunda Amaya Contreras, Maria Del Rosario Carrizales Amaya, Griselda Carrizales Amaya and Maria Cirila Contreras Garcia. Los Zetas , Spanish for "The Zs") is a Mexican criminal syndicate, regarded as one of the most dangerous of Mexico's drug cartels. Murder and beheading of 4 women by the Mexican cartel Los Zetas. The two men who were also gunned down have been identified as Cruz Felipe Pizana Saldivar and Angel Carrizales Amaya. Life a much more pleasurable one ; and not at the end of the worst 've... Army commandos, formerly with is how much the Mexican army commandos, formerly with to stay to choose.. In Equador see what is going on with our neighbors to the South Beat will post ANYTHING for and. 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